Page 85 of Ghostly Touches

When I look over to her, I find her eyes are focused out on the grass rather than on me. She wears a soft smile that grows wider as Jonah comes over to join us.

“We must be able to see a threat, Willow,” Theodon says stiffly.

“But what if you can’t? Or not well, at least? If Viktor’s too busy straining to see, he’s not focusing hard enough on hearing it or smelling it,” Willow objects as she reaches out with both hands for Jonah.

“Miss me?” the man teases as he takes her hands and pulls her away from my side. “This asshole giving you a hard time?”

“Yes, to your first question and no to your second one.” Willow leans forward and kisses him.

I make a face and turn my attention to Theodon, who looks away, too.

“Come on. I have something I want to show you,” Jonah says and pulls her around to the other side of the van.

“I think I already know what it is,” she replies, her amusement undeniable.

As they disappear, Theodon sighs.

“Maybe she’s right,” he admits quietly, our eyes meeting.

Her theory may have some merit, yes. Maybe it’s something I’ll explore if we ever get some downtime. But right now, since I have a moment, I have something else I want to say to him.

“I want to apologize, Theodon.”

My leader tilts his head to the side to regard me with a frown. “For what?”

“Everything.” My cheeks heat, and my palms feel suddenly clammy. “My behavior has been erratic, my mood sour, and I have fallen from grace. That is not how my family raised me, not what the Brotherhood demands of its Ghosts, and not what you or Kwil deserve. I will… try to do better.Bebetter. Until I am the man I wish to be, who I once was, I… I ask for patience. More of it, as you have already given me more than I deserve. I am sorry.”

When I meet Theodon’s eyes, I find him searching my face. Swallowing, I brace myself for some sort of lecture or dismissal.

“You are a good man, Viktor. We all struggle with our own demons, but it takes a true man to admit that his may be great and that they may have gotten the best of him. There is nothing to forgive, and of course, I will give you whatever it is you need to be the best version of yourself. I want nothing more for you than peace.”

My heart swells as my shame causes my cheeks to warm further. I do not deserve a leader such as Theodon, but I am thankful all the same. A few feet away, Kwil steps out of the tall grass. Theodon’s hand lands on my shoulder before he moves away from me. I turn to my other brother and prepare to ask for forgiveness once more.



“You look exhausted.”

Kwil’s voice comes out of the darkness. His presence isn’t unexpected. I heard his soft footsteps approaching from quite a distance. Each footstep is deliberate as he makes it clear he’s searching me out and not just wandering the property where we have settled for the evening. I turn my head to look at the stable we’ve bunkered down in. It’s not ideal, but the abandoned structure is free and far enough away from anyone that should we find ourselves surrounded by monsters from the Third Realm, no one will hear or become casualties of their hunger. And despite the complaints, which mostly came from Jonah about the comfort and cleanliness of such a place to sleep, it is safer than out in the open with just a tarp as we would be in the Third Realm.

“I am tired,” I admit.

“Go get some rest. I’ll stay out here with Viktor.”

“You should be sleeping. It’s your turn.” Usually, two of us will sleep while the third keeps a lookout. Unfortunately, with Viktor’s failing sight and fragile mind, I can’t trust that he will keep a proper lookout anymore. He failed before, and while it was his first time, it only takes one mistake to get us all killed. I know Viktor’s pride will keep him from accepting the fact that his shift requires two people instead of one. At least he kept his protests to himself when he realized I would be joining him this evening.

“I slept plenty in the car.”

“Even with the incessant chatter from Willow and Jonah?” My words are sour, but they do not reflect my mood. Honestly, their playful banter and easy conversation is a nice change from the silence or Viktor’s moody outbursts.

“It’s refreshing,” Kwil says, shrugging.

“I guess.”

There is a short pause between us as we scan the overgrown fields.

“Willow seems to have broken through to our brother,” Kwil mutters, changing the topic. “He apologized for his behavior. It was very…” He considers his words careful. “Unnerving.”