“You’re a blind fool, Viktor. I can make your lives hell, too, you know,” she promises darkly.
Someone swears, but it’s lost in the moment.You’re a blind fool… She knows about my affliction. Who told her that I struggle with my sight? And how dare she taunt me about it? I stare down at the necromancer and see her death even before I make a move. Before I realize I’ve reacted, my hand is swinging through the air.
Unfortunately, in my ire, I miscalculate the distance and speed. Rather than grabbing her shirt, the back of my hand connects with Willow’s cheek with such force that it knocks her off her feet. As she falls to the side, a moment of clarity takes over, and I realize what I've done. Horror whips through me as I watch her slow-motion descent to the floor. On her way down, Willow’s head hits the countertop with a sickening thud. When her body crumbles to the ground, blood pools beneath her.
Before I can crouch down to check for a pulse, I’m hit from the side by what feels like a semi-truck. My body slams into the wall, and a fist hits my face. I blink away the stars only to see another fist coming at me. The pain that explodes from my nose causes more stars to blind me. My body is yanked forward as someone grips my shirt.
“Kwil, enough!” Theo shouts. “Get the first aid kit. Jonah, get a wet cloth.”
As my vision clears, Kwil lets go of my shirt, letting my body drop before I get a chance to catch myself. He crouches down in front of me, his eyes glowing white through the depths of his hood.
“If youeverlay another finger on her, I’ll kill you myself.”
The cold voice that snakes out of the darkness sends chills down my spine. It doesn’t even sound like Kwil. I stare up at my brother in surprise as he gets to his feet. His spit hits me square on the forehead.
But as startling as Kwil’s reaction is, I’m still reeling from my own actions. I just struck a woman. Fear is like a frigid chill racing through my veins. How have I let my poor behavior get this bad? I know I’ve been letting my temper get the best of me, especially over the past few years, but this bad? Shit. Did I kill her? Please, no… I’m not a madman. I’m not…
“I didn’t mean—”
“Not now, Viktor.” Theodon doesn’t look up at me as he gently turns Willow’s head to assess the damage. Blood pools around her body at an alarming rate. At his wince, a wretched stone drops in my stomach. “Go procure us a vehicle. We need to get out of here as soon as possible.”
“Is she breathing?” Jonah crouches down beside Theodon and hands him the damp cloth.
My relief doesn’t wash away the bitter taste of guilt that coats my tongue. Trembling, I get to my feet. I can’t believe I lost my temper so thoroughly that I lashed out and struck a woman. Have I lost all sense of right and wrong as my sanity unravels?
“Go, Viktor! We don’t have much time,” Theodon hisses as Kwil returns to the kitchen. I start to turn but stop when he adds, “When she wakes, you will fix this. That’s an order.”
I nod and leave without another word. Get a car. I can do that.Fix this with Willow? I don’t know how to do that.
One thing at a time.
I make it out the front door before I double over and throw up.
“Tell me something,” Theodon muses as he steps into the house, tossing the dirty shovel to the floor.
He must be done burying the bodies of all of those creatures. About time. He’s been out there for an hour. It probably would have been faster to burn them. Then again, the smoke would have attracted unwanted attention. And both Willow and I know how badly these guysreallydon’t want to be seen.
“What do you know about necromancy?”
The question is directed at Kwil although he shoots me a curious glance.
I ignore him. Sitting on the floor of the dining room under the watchful eyes of Kwil, I’ve cradled Willow’s body. I pull her closer to me as Theo’s eyes drift down to her before he looks away. She hasn’t woken up yet. Does she have a concussion? Will she ever wake back up? My heart still slams up against my ribs. She has to wake up. It’s crazy that I care so much. Our souls are intertwined, but that doesn’t change how Ifeel.Is my anxiousness the side effect of being in debt to someone? I owe Willow my life. I’m human, or as close as possible in my situation, because of Willow’s intuition. Last night, I made a promise to protect her. How can I keep it, though, when these Ghosts go on murderous rampages?
“They talk to spirits.” Kwil doesn’t stop his pacing. “Help them cross over… I don’t know. That’s it.”
Theodon hums, deep in thought.
“There’s no way the others didn’t notice the demon disappearing or that the monsters we fought were beginning to drop like flies without us touching them. I’m sure that will be discussed along with whatever else Jaydon and his men have seen here today.”
Theo’s words are just that to me.
I don’t care about the other Ghosts, or whatever speculations they may have deduced while around these three. If we get our souls back, I want these three to find justice. These men aren’t the ones we heard about as kids and looked up to. Theodon and his guys are wild, unpredictable, and dangerous to everyone.