When the attack is over, I look around, praying that we have no casualties. Boxton and Kwil are missing, probably out searching the vicinity. If they don’t return soon, I’ll go in search of them. Everyone else seems unscathed.
“Thisis what you’ve been dealing with on your own?” Campbell asks as he catches his breath. “You need to report this to our superiors,immediately,Theodon. What were you thinking, keeping this from us?”
Theodon uses his shirt to clean the blood off his sword. He doesn’t bother to look up as he answers.
“I have every intention of letting our superiors know of the issue. This morning was the first moment we’ve had to recoup from the bombardment of these things.”
Theodon is so good at lying, it’s scary.
“How long have you been in the Third Realm that you don’t know how to use a cell phone? The conversation would take a minute, tops.” Jaydon shoves his sword into its sheath and heads towards the house. “Fuck, I’ll do it.”
Theodon moves to follow him when Jaydon stops and looks at Willow’s little van.
“I didn’t notice before, but how did you acquire a vehicle?”
Theodon spares it a look as if he too is just noticing it. “It was here when we arrived. I figured a Ghost left it here during his trip to the nearest ripple.”
Jayden scowls. “We’ll take it off your hands.”
“So be it.”
At Theodon’s indifferent shrug, Jaydon nods and heads into the house. Theodon follows him without a backwards glance.
My hand tightens around the hilt of my sword as I shove it back into its sheath. I may not know the young necromancer very well, but I have a feeling she won’t be pleased to hear we’re giving away her vehicle. She’ll have to deal with it.
Boxton comes trotting out of the woods a moment later. It doesn’t go unnoticed that he approaches Campbell with urgency and whispers in his ear as they follow their leader. Both men look towards the woods. I follow their gaze to see Kwil slowly emerging. My stomach drops. Did Boxton see something he wasn’t supposed to? I follow behind the two, straining to hear anything they say to one another.
Back in the kitchen Jaydon pulls a cell phone from a drawer and turns it on. He pushes a few buttons and brings the device to his ear.
“Once he’s done his call, we need to get out of here.” Boxton moves to grab his sack on the floor. He ties it up quickly, realizing the contents inside of it are exposed.
I glance over to Theodon, who pretends not to notice.
“Please give the superiors and everyone else our best.”
Boxton frowns. “You’re not coming with? I highly suggest meeting with the superiors to let them know why you aren’t at your post—”
“And leave this area unprotected?” The disbelief on Theodon’s face looks genuine. He’s too damn good at this. “No, you’ll tell them we’re here. Once other Ghosts can come and take over, then we’ll meet with our leaders.”
Boxton shares a look with Campbell, who simply shrugs as he throws his bag over his shoulder. Jaydon hangs up the phone with a sigh and throws it onto the table.
“They’ve been alerted, and Ghosts will be here within a day,” he looks to Theodon. “We’ll see you at the temple shortly then.”
The hard look and sharp tone from the senior Ghosts do not allow room for argument. If we were anyone else, going to the temple after the others arrive would be a no-brainer. But we’re not.
AGhostmust put the safety of our world above their own life.
I glance over at Theodon. He smiles as if he’s been given some great news.
With the ease of years of practice, he lies, “I’m excited to see everyone.”
* * *
“Are you sure?”
Theodon’s brows furrow at my nod.
“There’s no question about it. I saw the stones,” I assure him.