Page 51 of Ghostly Touches

“Can I see your face?” Willow asks.

I jerk my hand out of hers in surprise and horror.


“Why not?”

“Because I said so,” I tell her sharply. “Don’t ask again.”

“You said I could ask you questions, and you’d give me answers,” Willow pouts.

“You asked, and I said no.”

“Are you worried I’ll be upset?” she asks me curiously. “Because Jonah kissed me three times now and that wasn’t as off putting as it should have been.”

The amusement in her tone causes me to look over at her. There is some color in her cheeks and a twinkle in her eye.

“That doesn’t make you sick?” I ask her.

Willow laughs. It’s a pretty sound.

“Nope. It probably should, but it doesn’t.”

“Really?” I press, baffled by the smile on her face. “Jonah… He’s a Shadebroode. They aredisgusting.”

Willow’s shoulders shake as she continues to laugh. Rather than answer right away, she looks out the window again. We still have a while to go before we arrive at the safehouse. The town is so far away that I can no longer see it in my rearview mirror. Now, it’s a flat and boring ride, but it beats any other way of travel. And the company is great, too.

“When he kisses me, it wouldn’t matter if he had a thousand tentacles and ninety eyeballs. The feeling it stirs in me is indescribable, but awe-inspiring comes pretty close,” she confesses softly.

I scoff in disbelief. There is no way that creature can stir up anything but disgust. Ready to move to a different topic, I open my mouth to ask her about her life.

“But I also enjoy when you’re inside of me,” she says. “Thatfeeling is… It's like heaven and hell colliding and the epic-ness comes in the aftermath when I’m quivering under your touch.”

Fuck me… My dick comes to life so swiftly that it steals my breath away.

“Just thinking about it now,” Willow’s voice drops an octave. “I feel desperate to feel it again.”

I peel one hand off the steering wheel to wipe down my face. How is it that words can cause me to grow harder than rocks? I shift in my seat as my hand falls back onto the wheel.

“Stop it.”

“Stop what?” she asks.

“You know what I am now. There’s no way that you can look back fondly on—”

“Don’t you dare tell me what I can and can’t do.” Her sharp tone fades away as she adds, “Mystery Man, I don’t think you understand how thrilling it is when we come together. Remember on the dryer?”

A wistful sigh follows her words.

I try to choke down the groan as I picture her on top of that old, outdated machine, whimpering as she worked to find her release. Shifting in my seat as I grow painfully hard, I shake my head trying to dispel the image. I don’t see Willow’s hand stretch across the space between us. But I feel it when she caresses me through my pants. To my embarrassment, my hips jerk upwards into her hand.

“This monster that bit and changed you… is that why some parts of you vibrate?”

I try to focus on the road as her hand moves up and down the long, unusual shape of me.


“You think you’re a scary monster, Mystery Man. Well, you’re right. These vibrations aresuperscary,” Willow teases as she leans towards me. “I would hate to be vibrated at.”