When Viktor turns to look at me, it’s like I’m seeing a new man. The anger in his face is all but gone. He looks younger and… are thosetearsin his eyes? The awestruck gaze on his face mirrors how I felt, how Istillfeel.
“Is this… what is this?”
Willow looks from Viktor to me with a look of a deer facing oncoming traffic. Her surprise and worry don’t match our wonderment.
“Kwil, will you… will you come closer so I can… you know, check you,” Willow stammers as she tries to collect herself.
She blindly reaches out for something and seems relieved when her hand connects with the armrest of the nearby chair. She uses it to steady herself.
“No.” Kwil’s firm answer surprises us all. “Whatever you found within those two should be enough to tell us what you think happened and what needs to be done.”
I turn towards my brother, ready to order him to step forth and feel whateverthisis. I want to share this unique and glorious feeling with him.
Before I can open my mouth to usher him forward, Willow says, “You don’t want me touching your face, do you?”
I look over to her and find that she’s staring at Kwil curiously. She moves past Viktor and I, smiling at Kwil. This smile lacks the attitude or dismissiveness that she gives me and Viktor. It seems my brother has gotten under her skin. Finding Kwil in her bed hours ago when he should have been resting, I have a feeling he might already be a bit smitten with her too.
“That’s alright. I can just take your hands. It’s just easier when I touch your face because your eyes are mirrors into the soul and being that close makes the connection better.”
Kwil hesitates, and I know why.
If it is easier to connect by touching one’s face, it would be smarter to allow Willow to do so. But I understand his reservations. With a face like Kwil’s, one touch and Willow would know he is different. I know he carries shame and guilt with him daily. It’s why he constantly hides his face. One mistake cost him greatly, and he despises himself for it. His self-hatred will eventually lead to his downfall if he doesn't succumb to the creature within.
“You told me once that just because something is ugly on the outside doesn’t make it evil or ugly on the inside,” Kwil says after a long silence. “Do you still stand by that?”
Willow crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head slightly to one side.
“Of course.” Her hip pops over to one side as she places weight on one leg. “I don’t just spout common sense and not use it.”
“I hope that is true.” My brother moves towards her. He kneels down on one knee before her and says, “Then you may touch my face.”
Willow lifts her hands. I can tell she’s a bit more reluctant this go around, and I wonder why. What is she feeling, and why does it scare her? Should we be worried? No. Whatever moment I shared with her, that couldn’t have been something to be worried about. Could it?
Her hands slide under Kwil’s hood. I watch closely for a reaction, but Willow’s expression doesn’t change. She has to feel the difference, know that there is something strange beneath the hood. If she does sense the difference, there is no indication of it. Her eyes flash emerald before she closes them.
Kwil’s other knee hits the floor hard. He reaches out and grabs Willow by the shoulders. Her eyes fly open in surprise, but she doesn’t let go of his face. A growl slips from beneath Kwil’s hood. Both Viktor and I move closer to the two of them, ready to intervene if Kwil cannot handle the contact. A few seconds tick by before Willow lets go. Her hands drop her sides, and she lets out a forlorn sigh.
Something’s wrong. My awe begins to fade. As Kwil remains on the floor, she turns to the Shadebroode, who is waiting expectantly. I frown.
“What are you doing?”
She’s moving towards it as if to examine the thing as well.
“I can’t be sure, but I think Jonah was affected, too. I just know it…” Willow says, her voice trailing off. Her eyes remain unfocused as she processes whatever it is she’s deducing from our interactions.
“Impossible, he was in the other room,” Viktor huffs moving with her. I would have found the worry on his face as he looks between the two funny, but I’m feeling a little at a loss, too.
Impatiently, the Shadebroode leans forward and nearly purrs under Willow’s touch as she captures his face. Viktor and I step past Kwil to stand on either side of the cursed man, our hands on our swords.
“It’s fine guys,” Willow assures us.
Willow gives Jonah a weak smile. It takes a second, possibly less, for Willow’s power to affect the creature. His whole body shudders, and before I can stop it, the cursed man stretches up on his knees and presses his mouth against Willow’s.
“Get off of her, now!” I bellow as I push Jonah away from Willow.
He snarls fiercely before snapping his teeth at me. Viktor pulls his sword out and points it at Jonah.
“I’ve had about enough of you. I think it may be time to put you out of your misery,” he tells the Shadebroode.