Page 35 of Ghostly Touches

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When I wake up next,I sit upright with a start.

Everything comes rushing back to me in an instant. The Ghosts, demons, monsters, Slivers, Jonah, and the Elders. And of course, the devastatingly painful ache inside of me. Oh god, I shudder as I reach up and rub my chest. Something’s wrong. I can feel it so acutely that it’s hard not to notice now that I’m alone and focusing on it.

Blinking to clear my vision, I look around the small, unfamiliar bedroom. As I do, I feel the makings of a headache begin. Probably from the lack of food, water, and sleep, thanks to the shitty punishment the Elders dished out. The Elders had kept me an entire week. My hands make fists. I take a deep breath to help calm myself as anger comes rushing back. The agony of all my senses being bombarded at once when the enchantment was lifted made me want to vomit. The memory makes me cringe. Then that Elder had the nerve to tell meIwas overreacting? What a bitch. I swallow down my annoyance. I wonder if I should feel guilty about killing a person. It’s something I never thought I would have to do, but I killed Claire easily.

The guilt doesn’t come, and I don’t mind. That self-righteous crone deserved it.

I get out of bed slowly. My body feels stiff, but at least my skin doesn’t feel like it’s on fire anymore. Now, where am I? And where is Jonah?

On tiptoes, I head towards the door. As I approach, I notice clothes folded up on an old dresser near the door. Peering down, I realize that they aremyclothes. Someone must have rummaged through my closet before bringing me here.

I catch sight of a large, fluffy, white towel folded under my clothes, and I’m immediately excited. Could a shower be in my future? I glance around the room, and low and behold, I see a door to an attached bathroom. I don’t hesitate. I grab my clothes and the towels and head to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, I’m feeling clean and ready to tackle whatever is waiting for me.

With a deep breath, I turn the knob, and the door opens.Huh, I could’ve sworn I was going to find it locked. Opening the door the rest of the way, I take a step out into the hallway.

“Have a good nap?”

I yelp as I levitate a foot off the floor. I glance over to find Viktor leaning against the wall beside the door. I study his features. He’s certainly more attractive alive than he was half dead. The color has returned in his face, making his stark white hair appear even whiter. As he clenches his jaw, the sharp edges of his jawline appear even sharper. When our eyes meet, I find them a strange color, like hemp. I also find them full of distrust. That look paired with his large frame would make him intimidating to anyone else. For me, I find myself annoyed with the guy.

“Where am I? Where’s Jonah?” I demand.

“You’re at a safehouse we’ve secured just outside of city limits. As for your new friend, he’s waiting for you in the living room,” he answers, watching my face.

“Why am I here and not at my house?” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Because your house was being overrun with monsters not from this world.” He rolls his eyes and pushes off from the wall. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

Upright, he’s even more menacing. Ialmostcower under the glare he shoots me before turning his back to me.

He turns and heads down the hallway. Following Viktor, I watch the man carefully. He walks in silence. Is that a Fae thing or a Viktor thing? It has to be a Fae thing. Viktor is much too large to be so eerily quiet when he walks. As I watch him, I catch the slight stumble. It’s so subtle that I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t been paying attention to his feet. Okay, it was his butt I was looking at, not his feet. No need to lie to myself. I was definitely watching that tight ass move. Forcing myself to not ogle the man, I make it a point to stare at the back of his head the rest of the way through the house.

We end up in a large living area that looks like it last saw a remodel in the seventies. The furniture looks new but is severely outdated, and the shag carpet and wood panel walls make it feel like I’ve stepped into the Brady Bunch house.

In the middle of the room sits Jonah, who’s tied up and gagged. Theo is lingering around an old brick fireplace while Kwil, who’s still hidden behind his hood, lounges on the couch, flipping through the shows on the ancient box television. It even has antennas. All three look over at me as I enter. Viktor moves towards Jonah and leers down at him.

“Do you see how I didn’t have to drag her out? Take some notes from her and maybe things will get easier for you,” Viktor taunts before kicking him in the thigh.

Jonah bares his teeth at Viktor as I tell the Ghost, “Touch him again, and I’ll kill you.”

Viktor pauses to face me as Kwil chuckles from the couch. The blond Ghost’s mouth stretches into a smile that freezes my insides.

“I’d like to see you try,” he replies darkly.

He may be a big scary legend, but I’ve got secrets up my sleeve. I smile back as I cross my arms over my chest.

“Honey, I saved your soul, therefore your life. If I can save it, don’t you think I could destroy it too?” I point out as I raise a brow.

Kwil rises from his seat and leaves the room, seemingly unbothered by my threat towards his friend. Or maybe he’s going to get weapons so we can duel like people did back in the old days.

“Enough you two,” Theo says as he moves away from the dark fireplace and comes towards me.

I stiffen as I reach for my power, ready to attack if I need to.

Theo pauses when he sees my reaction. These Ghosts must practice their unreadable expressions in the mirror because I can’t tell what he’s thinking.

“We have no intentions of harming you, Willow.” Theo’s voice is calm, and his body language seems relaxed, but Ghosts are legendary warriors. I have no doubt in my mind he could react quickly and efficiently. This whole situation feels sketchy.