I hesitate. Could he be right? My hesitation is what the Ghosts have been waiting for. As a unit, Kwil and Viktor leap towards me.
If I fight, I could end up hurting Willow. My claws, teeth, tail, and horns could catch her if I move too quickly. With a hiss of anger, I allow them to grab Willow from my arms and bind me.
As Viktor knocks me to my knees, I glare up at him. A cruel smile splays across his face as he looks at me.
“Sleep tight.”
Something hits the side of my face, and I collapse as the world fades into darkness. The last thing I hear is Georgina’s plea to come back.
Iwake to a soft buzzing against the entire left side of my body.
It’s a gentle, pleasant buzz that could lull me back to sleep if only I wasn’t getting overly warm under the blankets draped over me. Willing myself to stay asleep, I don’t open my eyes as I push the weight of the blankets off me and roll towards the buzzing. Whatever it is, it’s large, warm, and the vibrations coming off it grow slightly more intense as I throw my leg around it. Snuggling closer, I take a deep breath and pick up a familiar scent.
Citrus, campfire, and… rich soil. Earthy smells that make me feel like I’m napping in a forest rather than on this stiff mattress. Wrapped up in this scent, I feel safe and whole. Unlike the last time I awoke. That time I woke in pain, scared, and… broken. Like I had lost pieces of myself. My mind, fuzzy from sleep, can’t seem to recall when that was.
I let it drop.
Rather than dwell on that uncomfortable, hazy memory, I snuggle closer to the scent and buzzing, my hand curling around fabric. I’ve almost drifted back to sleep when I realize the thing I’m wrapped around is moving. I can feel the slow inhale as someone’s chest rises under my fist full of their shirt. When they breathe back out, I force my eyelids to lift. It seems like a chore, and I almost give up. I settle with them opening halfway as I look to see what’s beside me.
I notice the fine, white cloak I’m holding onto first. It’s silky smooth and relatively clean. Down its front runs silver embroidered lettering in a language I’m unfamiliar with. I know this cloak. I also know this smell. How could I forget the way it wrapped around me while its owner fucked me so well that I knew I was probably ruined for all future lovers?
My voice comes out dry. As I go to clear it, the body I’m holding onto vibrates harder.
“I’m here.” His deep voice penetrates the quiet room. “Don’t worry. You’re safe.”
I hum. I love a man with a deep voice. Smiling, my eyes drift shut completely as I snuggle closer. The leg that I’ve thrown over him bends so I can press against him even more. Kwil chuckles.
“This is not the reaction I expected from you.”
The vibration against my stomach and chest intensifies just a tiny bit more. This vibration is different from the ones I felt while we were making love in my room that night. Those were more intense; this one is a gentle humming beneath his skin. But how is that possible? Too tired to care, I let go of his cloak only to run my hand slowly down his chest, enjoying the feel of the fancy fabric on top of hard muscle.
“If you don’t stop touching me, I’m going to make sure you wake up fully so I can have my way with you.”
My smile grows wider at the thought.
“This is me telling you that if you want to have your way with me while I’m sleeping, go for it.” The thought of waking up to a vibrating appendage inside of me causes my blood to grow warm.
Kwil groans, “You make it hard to stay celibate, Willow.”
I mentally replay his visit to my room and my basement and snort in amusement. Celibate my ass. Before I can reply, I hear a door open.
“Get out of the bed,now.”
I know that voice. I smile against Kwil, who stiffens.
“Or how about you come join us, sweet cheeks?” I offer the leader of the Ghosts.
“Go back to sleep, Willow.” The mild exasperation in Theodon’s voice has me laughing.
And as if permission was all I needed, my body falls back to sleep even as Kwil untangles himself from my limbs and leaves me all alone.