“They’re not?” Her confusion ebbs away as she considers this. “Alright, I trust you. Can you find my house?”
I nod. As an elite tracker, I can find literally anything. It’s what got me into this mess in the first place.
Making sure to stay in the shadows, I take us back in the direction of her house. As we move, I can feel the first stirrings of desire in my body. As strange as it feels, I know that Willow is right where she needs to be, here in my arms. The thought is disconcerting. And pleasing.
Before the Ghosts wandered into the small cave hidden not far from here, I had fallen into the habits of the monster I have become. Using its instincts, I’ve survived on creatures like snakes, rabbits, foxes, and coyotes that found the cave as they searched for a place to rest. My humanity had all but vanished during my self-imprisonment in the confines of that stone tomb. Before last week, I can’t remember having any rational, human thoughts left in my head. I must have chosen to stay in that cave to protect the book based solely on the last few threads of my sanity.
Hearing voices, seeing people again, and being around others have brought everything back. It’s been like waking up. I remembered being human, remembered the language the Ghosts used as they spoke, or rather yelled, at me, and then there were the emotions that all tumbled back. Regret, agony, and of course, fear. Fear that someone will find the book and use it, fear that I’ll never return to my normal state, and fear that I’ll die alone and no one in the world will care…
“You move so fast. I’ll be home in no time,” Willow whispers.
I glance down at her again, just in time to watch her eyes close as she faints.
I don’t know how I’ll be able to communicate to her that we can’t stay at her house. Those guys are going to figure out pretty quickly where we’re going, and they’ll be right on our tail. The Ghosts think she’s done something to them. It’s why they came back to this world. Knowing that they’re no better than the monsters they were killing in that other world, I can’t let them get a hold of her. Where do we go from her house? In my state, it’s not like we can hide in a city or populated area. But if we isolate ourselves and they find us, what will they do to us then? Then there’s her curse to contend with, whatever it is.
What to do, what to do.
I war with myself, wondering if this is a good idea. Where can we go? I have no home, even before the curse. I was a nomad at heart, popping up wherever there was money and drugs. I could probably find one of the seedier places I used to frequent just as a place to lay low, but I worry how safe Willow will be there. And what would people do if they saw me with her? They’d probably assume I’d kidnapped her and try to kill me.
I head to Willow’s house, despite my worry. Hopefully, she’ll wake up soon. Again, I wonder what she’s been through over the past week. Whatever it was, it’s over now. I have her in my arms where a seed of happiness seems to have taken root. I’ll nurture this feeling. I like how it feels, wrapping around my insides and giving me a purpose other than just to survive. With a cursed book out in the world, three men with their own agendas chasing us, and my own curse to contend with, I should be fretting a lot more than I am. Instead, I find that keeping Willow here in my arms is the only important thing on my mind. Nothing else matters.
Not even my own wellbeing.
We arrive at Willow’s place a few minutes later. To my relief, Willow groans, and her eyes flutter open just as I step into her dark house.
“Oh, thank goodness we’re back.” She huffs as she looks around, her eyes still unfocused. “Put me down, Jonah. I think I can stand.”
I place her on her feet. She sways for a moment before she finds her balance and then looks up at me. I can’t help it. Those large green eyes set in that beautiful face, they do something to me. I lean down and kiss her again.
This time Willow could pull away if she wanted to. I’m not holding her against me. But she doesn’t. She leansintome. My soul balloons with joy at the contact. I want more. Now’s not the time, but maybe when this stupid curse is broken… I pull away with a sigh.
“Do you care if I pull your spirit out so we can communicate? I’d like to know what’s going on,” she asks weakly.
I nod. Good idea. Her attention shifts, as if something beside me has gained her attention.
“Yeah, the Ghosts came and got me. Thanks for telling them where I was, Georgina,” she mutters.
Her eyes grow brighter for a moment. Next to me, a spirit appears. The woman has to be in her mid-thirties, wearing a large ball gown and holding a folded umbrella, and her hair is in some fancy updo.
“You look terrible,” the spirit says, looking Willow up and down.
“Thanks, that really makes me feel great,” Willow grumbles.
I can’t help but chuckle at her dry tone. Well, it’s a growl, but close enough.
“What happened to you? I tried to stop them from taking you but…” The spirit gestures down at her transparent body.
“The Elders decided to trap me inside my own head while turning off all my sensory channels. It was super fun. Now, I’m being assaulted on all fronts. Everything sounds louder, the smells are overpowering, and I swear it hurts to touch anything.”
My amusement disappears as horror coils in me.
“Oh my gosh! I’m sorry. I wish I could have done something,” Georgina tells her with a deep frown. “This being dead shit sucks.”
“Yeah, well being alive for the past week has sucked too, so you’re not missing out on much,” Willow tells her darkly before turning to me. “Sit down, Jonah, your body is going to collapse once I pull you free.”