Page 26 of Ghostly Touches

Looking over my shoulder, I watch as Theodon hurries over to the bright yellow and white vehicle in the driveway.

“When was the last time you drove?” I ask, changing direction to follow our leader.

We climb into Willow’s little bus, and Theodon sticks the key in the ignition.On the steering wheel are the letters VW. What in heaven’s name is this?

“It’s been a while, but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike.”

“When was the last time you rode a bike?”

The van turns on, and Theodon gives me a grim smile. “It’s been even longer.”



She’s not okay. Willow isnotokay.

I’ve been telling myself leaving Willow behind to face whatever wrath those Elders have up their sleeves would be okay. Witches have rules they follow, and I know for a fact one is that they’re not allowed to harm others. So why, then, is Willow still with them after a week? They should have come and gone after slapping her on the wrist for whatever transgression they thought she may have done.

My stomach twists with fear. The monstrous flesh that covers various parts of my body vibrates with anxiousness.

Willow isn’t our concern. I shouldn’t be running down dark streets, avoiding streetlights and cars, and heading towards the large building we passed when we first entered this sleepy old town. I’m risking everything to get to her.

And I don’t care.

Typically, when we slip over to our world, I like to take in all the changes in technology and the geography and enjoy the clean air from the darkest of shadows. Now, the surroundings don’t matter. This strange, desperate need to get to Willow has overridden everything recently.

Ever since I left her room after our night together, I’ve had this… I don’t even know what to call it. Want? Desire? No… Those words are too inadequate to describe the depth of the emotion running through me. This singular obsessive need I’ve developed for Willow Harvest has left me altruistic and nearly feral.

Standing in the kitchen with her the next morning, unable to touch her, left me shaken. I almost didn’t want to eat. I wanted her taste to linger on my tongue for days. But the physical attention I craved shifted to something else when she placed a plate in front of me, laughed, and disappeared upstairs to care for my brother. And when we were attacked and she was in the cross hairs, I almost lost all the humanity left inside of me. All I wanted to do was scoop her up and race her away from the danger. She’s an unexpected pleasure I didn’t know I wanted to experience until I got a taste.

Now I crave more.

Willow is a distraction. A temptation of the worst kind. And yet… I can’t get her out of my head. Over the past week, I’ve yearned to see her again. Now that we’re back and she’s gone, I’m not thinking straight.

My legs take me across town faster than they would have if I were the Fae the world believed me to be. I slow down and slip into the shadows along a brick fence stacked so high you almost can’t see the large brick building on the other side. But witches are a proud bunch. They wouldn’t hide this grand estate from the world, even though anything of the supernatural kind is supposed to stay out of sight of the easily spooked humankind. As I crouch down to leap up and grab the edge of the brick wall, a shift in the air sets off an instinctual need to protect myself. Biting back a snarl, I whirl around and brace myself for a fight.

There, standing just a few feet away, is a Shadebroode.

I reach for my sword beneath my cloak. The Shadebroode flashes me a toothy grin before leaping over the brick wall.

Shit. Was that Jonah? Where did he come from, and why the hell does he think he can charge across the coven’s property? If someone sees him, all hell will break loose. I leap over the wall after him at the same time I hear tires shrieking down the street.

With my attention on the Shadebroode, I would probably have ignored my surroundings, but what I find on the other side of the brick barrier gives me pause. The building is three stories tall and would have looked stately if it weren’t for the broken windows, a large hole by the front door, and missing chunks of roof. The landscaping looks like landmines have gone off recently, and even the front gate looks like it’s off its hinges.

What the hell happened here?


At the sound of my name hissing through the darkness, I turn halfway. Both Viktor and Theodon hurry towards me with their swords drawn. Shit, Theodon can lay down the law if they catch up to me.

My patches vibrate in anger. I won’t let Theo keep me from Willow.

I turn back towards the rundown house. With Jonah to deal with, I’m certain they’ll go after him first. Crossing the grass, I head towards the front door, a plan beginning to unfold in my head. When my feet hit the gravel drive, so does the rest of my body as a weight slams into me from behind. The air leaves my lungs as an arm comes around my neck.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Viktor whispers angrily in my ear. “Have you lost the rest of your mind?”

“We can’t just leave her with them.” I struggle against Viktor’s weight.