Looking over my shoulder, I catch Kwil sending one of the demons through the Veil. On the other side, I can see my hooded friend’s scythe cut through the thing with ease. There’s no time to wave or smile when he straightens and looks up at me. Turning my attention back to the Slivers, I get back to work pulling them away from Viktor’s body.
Above us there are a few more thumps on the roof.
A different creature, one I have never seen before, comes flying through the window with firefly-like wings buzzing behind it. Its brownish skin is wrinkled, its body is like a twisted root, and the teeth on it… My scream gets lodged in my throat. Whatever it is, I want nothing to do with it. Another one lands on the pitched roof just outside the window and peers in with eyes that remind me of a fly’s.
Theodon slices off the head of the first one. He kicks the toppling body toward the Veil’s opening where it disappears. Relieved that he knows what he’s doing, I turn my attention back to Viktor and the Slivers overwhelming him. Gritting my teeth, I prepare myself for my next move.
With a deep breath, I throw my hands outwards towards the majority of spirits and let my power loose. Most of them are thrown backwards and pinned against the wall. The handful not trapped by my attack fight each other, and Viktor, to get to the empty body on the bed. I grit my teeth as the task of keeping them away from Viktor grows harder. There’s no way that I can keep them back for long. Not while I’m still holding open the Veil. I need help.
And I know just who to call.
Throwing caution and every rule I know out the window, I focus my power on the Veil and shout, “Captain McGregor, I need your help!”
As if he has been waiting for the call, the pirate captain and his crew emerge from the Veil at once.
“Evening, Lovely Willow, what can we—” Captain McGregor stops abruptly when he notices the chaos in the room.
“Help me send these Slivers to the other side, please!” I shriek as another soul gets far too close to Viktor for my liking.
“On it,” Captain McGregor says. “You heard her boys. Let’s herd up these scallywags!”
With a whole crew of pirates now helping, I let go of the Slivers I have pinned to the wall and begin going back to removing them from this realm. As I work, I notice the demons are gone. All that are left are these strange monsters that won’t stop coming in through the window and the hole in the ceiling. But the other two Ghosts seem to have a handle on things. Each time one makes it into the bedroom, they either skewer it immediately or send it through the Veil with a clever grab and throw move.
With Captain McGregor and his crew, removing the Slivers becomes easy work and is finished quickly. As I grab the last one, I send it through the Veil, along with the captain and his crew.
“Thank you!” I call after the pirate.
Just behind the last of Captain McGregor’s crew, Kwil manages to send one of those strange brown creatures across the room after him. I watch as the reaper on the other side catches the creature around the neck with its scythe before beheading it.
Behind me there’s a shout: “Get the hell off me!”
I turn my head halfway to see Viktor struggling with a rather large Sliver. The thing has managed to insert itself almost all the way into Viktor’s body. The only thing keeping it from completely possessing the empty body on the bed is Viktor, who has a weak hold on part of it. I reach back and use my power to pull it free.
“Fuck this, I’m going in,” Viktor snarls and steps back into his body.
“No, Viktor!” Theo bellows, but it’s too late.
I can feel the mistake at the same time Viktor’s spirit stills. The power that shoots out from his body is oily and intense. Time slows down as I whirl completely around. I can see his soul disintegrating, starting at his feet. His physical body twitches violently as magic pours outward and around Viktor’s soul. Without thinking, I reach for Viktor’s spirit. I close my eyes, grit my teeth, and yank on him. I let the Veil fall back into place as I visualize every inch of Viktor in my head and hold onto his soul as hard as I can, using every bit of power I possess.
He screams in agony, but I focus on my task. The floor under me begins to tremble and pieces of the ceiling fall in. I scream as all my power blazes a trail from my fingertips out into the room. The sheer effort it takes to hold his spirit together nearly brings me to my knees. But I don’t let go. I continue to hold onto him with all my might.
Two more yells behind me alert me to danger. Peering over my shoulder, I gape at what I see. Both Theodon and Kwil’s spirits have partially detached from their bodies and are being pulled towards Viktor’s. Their screams of agony as their bodies collapse grow louder.
Swearing, I reach for their souls and hold on to them the same way I’m holding onto Viktor’s.
I feel it the moment the curse on Viktor’s body detonates completely. I’m knocked off my feet as power rushes over me, and the curse slices through me painfully. Screaming doesn’t seem to help cut down the pain, but I do it anyway. Or try to, at least. Instead, I end up choking on the evil texture of magic coursing through me and over my skin.
Even as my back slams onto the floor and the breath is knocked out of me, I hold on to the souls in the room.
By the time I catch my breath, the world around me stills. The agony I feel is unnatural. It’s like the inside of my body is burned and charred. A sob works its way past my lips. Rolling to my stomach, I get to my knees and stay like that as I process the amount of pain that I’m in. Tears drip onto the floor as I fight back the need to vomit.
Wait. Why is it so quiet in here?
Blinking back my tears, I lift my head to look around the room. I find Theo and Kwil crumpled on the floor. Their spirits are unconscious, dangling over their bodies. I look behind me and find Viktor’s floating spirit unconscious on the bed.
Souls can’t sleep. What the hell is happening?
I climb to my feet slowly but stagger and catch myself on the edge of the bed. With a wave of my hand, I reach for Theodon’s soul. His spirit moans while his eyelids flutter. Carefully, I place his spirit back into his body as it awakens. Theodon gasps as he jerks awake. I do the same for Kwil. When I turn to Viktor, I hesitate. I can no longer see the markings on his skin. Has the curse been lifted now that it’s been set off? I hope so, because we cannot afford another wave of spirits trying to take over his body. Tentatively, I place Viktor’s soul into his body. I tense, waiting for some sort of reaction.