While I’m not pleased by the situation, it is a relief to hear my friend speak again, even if it is to start a fight.
“Well, I can try, but what happens if I do and that destroys your soul? I don’t think you’d appreciate it, nor would your friends. None of you are allowed to get mad at me if it doesn’t work.”
“Maybe we should wait to use Willow’s power until we’re absolutely sure there is no other way to get you back in there,” Kwil hedges slowly. “This sounds like we may have only one shot at this. Let’s do it right the first time.”
“Or maybe her power will override the curse,” Viktor says. “If she is the one to do it, then it’s not me really trying to climb back in.”
“What can we do in the meantime?” I ask with a heavy sigh. I look at Willow. “Do you know any witches or mages who could handle this type of power?”
Willow looks at me and makes a face.
“Even if we found one strong enough to undo the curse,” Kwil says, “how do we explain this situation without exposing who we are?”
AGhostmust never, unless in dire need, allow the world to learn of the monsters we protect them from.
He’s right, of course. Coming to a necromancer is one thing. Going to a coven looking for help is another. Bringing more attention to ourselves at this point will cause more problems than it will solve.
“If I show up asking about reversing curses, they’re going to be pretty concerned,” Willow points out. “I’m already on their shit-list.”
So what can we do? I frown as I try to come up with another plan.
“Maybe there is something in the book?” Kwil suggests. “It cursed him, but maybe it has the knowledge to undo it?”
“Can any of you cast magic?” Willow asks. “Because even if there is something in that book, without magic it won’t help. Plus, if touching the book can curse you, then maybe we shouldn’t risk touching it… again.”
I study Willow curiously. “You touched it, and you’re still in your body.”
“I touched it and went flying,” she counters. “Sorry, but I’m not touching it again. You can go right ahead though, and grab it from the bag downstairs.”
Kwil huffs before beginning to pace along the side of the bed. He stops abruptly and looks towards me.
“We may need to go to—”
“No, you know what will happen.”
“That is not an option,” I tell him firmly.
Going to our superiors would be a death sentence for Kwil and possibly for Viktor since he’s found himself in a nasty predicament. I won’t allow that fate to befall them. We’ve worked far too hard to see their lives come to an end now.
My eyes slide away from Kwil in time to see Willow’s face light up.
“I have an idea. Hold on!”
She slides off the bed and darts out of the room.
“I hate her,” Viktor says the moment she’s gone.
I force myself not to roll my eyes.
“You hate everything,” Kwil counters.
“Do you know what she did to me earlier while you two were gone?” Viktor hisses. “She gave my body a sponge bath after force feeding me!”
I wait. When Viktor stands there waiting for our reactions, I throw my hands up.
At the same time, Kwil snorts and says, “Man, sounds like a tough life. Having a beautiful woman take care of you when you can’t do it for yourself.”