I nod and turn my attention back to Viktor.
All day I had hoped that he would manage to climb back into his body without assistance. But his body remained motionless. It is eerie to see the large, typically irate man so still and silent. Unease twists my gut. Will we be able to help him? Though none of us are mages, Viktor worked with many before our time in the Brotherhood together. He understands their magic much better than either Kwil or me. I hope the brute is capable of solving this before it’s too late.
What would we do without him if he can’t come back to us? No, I cannot think like that. I clench my jaw again as I push away the disturbing thought. We have been through tough situations before and prevailed. This will be no different.
“Okay, okay, I hear you! No need to yell,” Willow snaps as she comes to sit down next to Viktor’s body.
“Who—? Oh, is that Viktor?” I ask. I don’t know why I bother to glance around the room as if I’ll see him, but I do anyway.
“He’s being a little pissy right now. Georgina is getting on his nerves,” she explains. She glares at the corner of the room. “Georgie, give the guy a break, okay? In fact, get out of here. I’m going to deal with you next—” Willow whips her head to the side and glares at nothing. “Don’t talk to her like that!”
I sigh. Viktor and his poor manners…
“What’s he saying?” There’s no hiding the amusement in Kwil’s voice as he steps closer to the bed, and to her.
“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Willow offers.
The air in the room grows cold as her eyes begin to glow an emerald green. The hair on the back of my neck rises. My hand slips under my cloak to reach for my sword at the sudden shift in the air, but I halt when Viktor’s spirit appears beside her. He’s hidden under his cloak, but I know it’s him.
“Viktor?” Kwil asks in a hushed whisper as he leans forward to get a better look at our transparent brother.
“You can see me?” Viktor sputters in surprise, and I watch as he raises his hands to see for himself.
“Yes,” I confirm with awe.
“Oh, thank the Heavens.” Viktor sighs with relief, dropping his hands to his sides.
“But how…?” Kwil starts but stops to look at Willow who gives him a smug smile.
“Why didn’t you do this last night?” I demand sternly as my temper rises.
“Because I didn’t know who you were at first, and since you broke into my house, I didn’t think making your life easier was something I wanted to do right away,” Willow explains with an amused smile. “But now it’s time to get down to business. From here on out, I’ll be as helpful as I can.”
Fair enough. My annoyance slips away at her explanation, and I glance towards Viktor. “What have you found so far?”
“That I am not a fan of necromancers,” he grumbles.
Willow shoots him a dark look.
“Viktor, voice your grievances later when you are back in your body,” I warn him with a scowl in his direction. “Now, tell us what you’ve discovered.”
I cannot see Viktor’s face, but I know him enough to know that he rolled his eyes and is trying to rein in his sour temper.
“The curse not only flung my soul out of my body, but it also keeps my soul from entering back into it. From what I can read, if I attempt to climb back in, my soul will be destroyed.”
The three of us gasp in surprise.
“Is… is there nothing you can do, nothing thatwecan do to reverse this?”
“I can’t do anything. I’m not a mage, nor do I think a mage has the ability to reverse such a dark curse. Not in time, at least. Butyou.” Viktor points to Willow. “You deal with souls all the time. Can’t you just put me back?”
She looks from him to his body with a frown.
Her nonchalant answer only irritates Viktor further. I wonder if she is purposely provoking him at this point. I hear a soft sigh from Kwil, and I know he is thinking the same thing.
“Probably? Either you can or you cannot,” Viktor snaps at her.