Page 113 of Ghostly Touches

“I got you, Willow,” I tell her seriously.

When our eyes meet, I feel my heart do a funny flip. I don’t care if it’s because she has my soul. I love the connection I have to this woman. She’s unique, funny, and although she’s not feeling her best, her stubbornness is going to get us far.

We’re an hour into the drive when the driver pulls off under a bridge on the highway. There is a car sitting there waiting for us. Willow and I exchange looks with one another. My internal warning system starts to go off as the driver turns off the car. He looks around in his seat and points a gun at my head.

“Get out and get in that car,” he growls.

“What’s going on?” Willow demands with a scowl.

“I know who you are,” the taxi man says. “There’s a bounty on your head.”

Willow and I exchange looks before she turns back to the taxi driver.

“Abounty? Who the hell put a bounty on me?” Willow asks.

“Doesn’t matter. Get out.” The taxi man waves the gun in the direction of the door.

“I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t wave that thing around.” I cringe when the gun swings back in my direction.

“Actually, it does matter,” Willow hisses. Before the man can respond his whole body goes limp. His soul drifts out of his body, looking scared.


“Shush. You’re pretty much dead now. You might as well tell me what you know before you move on.” Willow leans forward to get in the spirit’s face.

“Dead? No, oh no! I have a family!” he pleads. “Put me back!”

“Tell me who has a bounty on my head, and I’ll think about it,” Willow tells him.

“Some mage. I don’t know his name. The bounty was placed last night. Anyone in the know got your picture,” the driver whines. “One look at you, and I knew you were the girl he’s been looking for.”

Outside, I can see two people getting out of the other vehicle. They’re both men. One clearly over sixty with a potbelly and receding hairline. The other guy is younger, probably in his early thirties. His dark hair is slicked back with way too much grease.

“Willow…” I warn as I reach up to take off my collar.

“I see them,” she assures me. She turns her attention back to the drive. “Give me the mage’s name.”

“I don’t have it!” the spirit cries out. “Please put me back into my body.”

“I shouldn’t,” Willow snaps but sighs. “You’re lucky tonight. Don’t ever point a gun at someone again.”

With that, the spirit vanishes. The taxi driver’s body gives out a soft sigh before sagging to the side. I watch as he breaths evenly.

“Why didn’t you kill him?” I demand.

“I don’t want another life on my hands if I can help it,” Willow admits quietly as she turns her attention to the two people approaching the car. She opens her door and steps out.

“What are you—” I start, but she slams the door closed. I watch as the two approaching us drop like bricks. Their spirits rise up above their bodies. I can see the panic on their faces as they realize they’re no longer physical beings. Climbing out of the car, I watch Willow with amazement.

“Tell me the name of the mage who has a bounty on my head,” Willow yells.

A car speeds by us, either not noticing the crisis or too smart to stop and see what’s going on.

“His name is Fredrick Noir,” one of the spirits says.

Again, Willow and I trade looks as the name rings a bell. Margie said the same name.

“What does he want with me, and why has he put a bounty on my head?” Willow asks them.