Page 10 of Ghostly Touches

I choke down a hiss of anger.

“Why would they do that to you? Who were those people?” I demand through clenched teeth. I take a step towards her, but Theodon’s subtle shift places him directly in my way so I can’t draw any closer.

“The Elders of the witch coven in the area thought they should come over and remind me necromancy is a ‘devil craft’ and they don’t appreciate it when I use my powers. So as a warning, they cuffed me for the next twelve hours.” She drops her wrists.

“Excuse me? You’ve been ‘cuffed’?” The infliction in Theodon’s voice would be hardly noticeable to anyone who doesn’t know the man, but I can tell he’s mad.

Willow rolls her eyes. The gesture is wildly exaggerated and is followed by the pursing of her lips with annoyance.

“Yeah, sorry. All I can do is offer for you guys to stay the rest of the night. I should be able to use my powers again around three tomorrow afternoon.” Willow smiles. “Luckily, Viktor’s spirit should be safe. I removed all the spirits in the area this evening so no one will try to possess his body while he’s here.”

I blink in surprise. It’s nearly enough to shake me from the fury that’s causing a hard vibration of my monstrous flesh.

“That was a possibility?” Theodon asks.

Willow nods. “Oh yeah, with a body that is still alive and a spirit that’s vacated the flesh, Viktor is wide open for possession. I can’t say he’ll be as safe in the coming days, but hopefully we won’t have to worry about that since I should be able to throw his spirit right back into his body tomorrow.”

“So now we wait…” Theo’s displeasure is noticeable as he turns halfway around to face me. “Go patrol. I’ll stay here with Viktor and watch over the Shadebroode.”

“Actually, just a quick thing.” Willow lifts a finger to have us wait and then sweeps it toward the Shadebroode. “That thing you have tied up is a human. Before the Elders came in, I did a quick sweep of the area for any lingering spirits I may have missed besides Georgina, and I found that there’s a human soul in that thing.”

Theodon chuckles. I haven’t heard that sound in alongtime.

“You’re mistaken. Look, it’s late, and you’re probably just tired—”

“Don’t tell me what I am, sexy man,” Willow snaps, startling the both of us. She places her hands on her hips as she adds, “Trust me. I know my spirits, and I know what a human one looks like. That thing there is a human. I don’t know what happened to him to make him look likethat,but the poor guy seems to be stuck. I’ll try to pull his spirit out tomorrow so we can talk to him.”

She steps back further into the hallway.

“Well, make yourselves at home… if you haven’t already,” Willow points to down the hall. “I’m there, and the guest bathroom is there. Feel free to shower. Towels are on the shelves. I think I may even have an extra toothbrush and stuff in the drawers. Feel free to rummage around in the kitchen if you get hungry. I just stocked up this afternoon. Have a good night.”

She turns around and heads towards her room. I only manage to pull my eyes off that glorious butt swinging behind her because Theodon shuts the door. He turns to me, a scowl pinching together the skin between his brows.

“Looks like we have an even bigger mystery on our hands,” he mutters. “First, an extra ripple in the fabric between the worlds that led to the cave and that book Viktor found, and now we have a monster who’s really a man. What is going on here?”

I shrug.

Whatever it is, I’ll give it my attention when we’re away from this house. Currently, my interest is directed towards the sound of a shower turning on. Knowing that Willow’s probably undressing as we stand there, I can feel myself growing hard all over again.

“I need to go,” I tell him, my teeth slamming together so hard that they could crack.

If I don’t leave this house, I may end up doing something incredibly stupid.

Theodon waves his hand towards the window. “Then go.”

* * *

I haveevery intention of watching over the property until Willow can use her power again to help us.

Creeping through the thin woods behind her house, I try very hard not to look up and search for the window that peers into her bedroom. It’s an impossible feat from the start. Each time I catch myself staring, I scold myself for this obsession. I almost talk myself into sticking to the front of the house. My feet begin to move in that direction.

Then, Willow walks by the window with nothing on.

Ours. My skin begins to vibrate in that new, unusual pattern again. Blood races back between my legs as a deep growl pushes past my lips.

Any self-restraint I have vanishes at the sight of her bare back. My feet are moving again of their own accord. But this time, I’m heading nowhere near the front of the house, as I intended. Instead, I stalk across Willow’s property straight to the back of her house. Making sure to steer clear of the window to the bedroom Theodon and Viktor are occupying, I move until I’m up against the side of her house. Crouching down, I wait a second before leaping up and grabbing the edge of the pitched roof. With ease, I pull myself up to the second floor. I freeze, waiting and listening for signs someone heard me. When nothing happens, I creep along the roof until I’m directly beside Willow’s window.

I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m better than a peeping Tom.