“Why are we entertaining this conversation anymore?” Peeta demands. “Clearly, these two are colluding with one another. I’m exhausted and covered in the blood of whatever these things are. I want to shower and get some food. Rowan, let’s be done with this!”
Rowan’s eyes narrow on Willow, who doesn’t back down.
“If I’m lying, then let Theodon go upstairs and check,” she pushes when he says nothing.
“He shouldn’t have to go check. My word should be enough,” Kwil growls out, moving closer.
Gangory and Peeta trade irritated looks with one another.
“I don’t know if I can trust a Ghost who won’t show his face to his brothers,” Rowan sneers at Kwil. Returning his attention to Willow, he smiles coldly at her. “I don’t know a LeAnna. I think something fishy is going on here. Are you simply a lonely prostitute who just stumbled upon these three men?”
Even my face burns with embarrassment as the accusation sits between us. A growl from Kwil’s direction is interrupted by the crack of Willow’s palm against Rowan’s face.
“Fuck you,” she hisses angrily.
Willow turns to look at Theodon. I catch the plea to trust her as their eyes meet. With her attention elsewhere, Rowan reacts. He grabs her arm and yanks her to him. Before either Theodon or I can react, he has her arms behind her back and his arm wrapped around her neck. Her gasp is cut short as he tightens his hold on her.
Kwil takes a step in our direction, his hand sliding into his cloak where his sword hangs.
“Rowan, she’s an innocent woman who shouldn’t be here,” Theodon says, taking a step forward. “Let her go, and we can go about our duties.”
“She’s a threat to this world,” Rowan states. “And for you to ignore what she’s capable of after proving her strength right in front of us, it makes me wonder why you’re not gunning for her disposal. Then, for you to stand there listening to her spout nonsense while one of your men, who clearly has something to hide, agrees with her, is insulting. For you to stand there, hesitating and judgingourmerit, well, this is not a good look for you right now, Theodon ofWindom.”
Something in his tone causes his two brothers to react. Peeta and Gangory move, spreading out just enough to give themselves space for a fight. I tense at Theodon’s side, but one of his hands moves to halt me.
“Let go of her.” Theodon takes a step forward as Willow struggles in Rowan’s grip.
“Windom, I know the last name. How’s the family doing?” Gangory asks, a small smile tugging at his mouth. “I can tell you that you’ve succeeded in bringing your family out of the muck. I believe they have just begun to get reacquainted with society. I wouldhateto have to report you for leaving your post, breaking your vow of celibacy, and… dare I say ‘mining raw materials’ as you so eloquently put it? You know if you’re Fallen, your family will fall, too. Right back to where they were in the mud.”
Theodon stiffens.
“Theodon, don’t listen to them. They’re murderers,” Kwil states firmly.
“If you go to our superiors and tell them about what you saw in the house, they’re going to want to know how you found out,” Gangory muses. “Then you’ll have to admit you weren’t at your post. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”
Fuck. Jadyon, Boxton, and Campbell probably have already told our superiors that we’ve been seen. If these three manage to speak to our superiors, there will be no question about where we stand. We’ll be officially seen as Fallen.
Rowan smiles. “So, what’s it going to be Theodon of Windom?”
Rage boils up in my chest as I take a step forward. Theodon has doneeverythingto protect us and his family. Day in and day out, he fights the creatures that want to tear our world apart. He keeps me on the right path and Kwil in the shadows where he’ll be safe. Theodon does more for us and for others than he has ever done for himself. He does not deserve this level of treachery.
“Kwil and I will be there to object to any of your accusations,” I tell him.
“There won’t be any if you kill the woman, head back to your posts, and say nothing about what you saw inside,” Rowan says with a shrug. “Seems pretty straightforward to me.”
Willow shakes her head quickly.
“He won’t. He’s a better man than you. He doesn’t just kill people,” she says.
I start to nod in agreement, but then Theodon says, “Fine.”
The word causes Willow to still. Even I have to turn and look at my leader. The hard set of his mouth and the resolve in his gaze as he meets mine scares me. Yes, I’ve said things about and to Willow that may not have been appropriate but kill her? I stare at Theodon. If he does this, he’s ending us, too. I don’t think he’s forgotten that. Instead of grabbing for his sword, Theodon reaches down and pulls a dagger out of his boot.
“Are you kidding me right now?” Willow shrieks as she struggles against Rowan. “Theodon!”
“Theodon…” Kwil calls softly, moving closer. “Think about this. This isn’t who we are.”
“Give the necromancer to Viktor,” Theodon orders Rowan, ignoring the both of them. The Ghost shoves Willow towards me.