Page 104 of Ghostly Touches

“Why can’t you just listen for once? It’s like you’re purposely making our lives difficult.” He collapses into a chair. “Food smells good, though. Thanks for this.”

“I should have spit in it.” Jonah glares at the Ghost before looking at me. “Go give Kwil his food. Don’t let this guy tell you what to do.”

“Willow, I asked back in the last motel if we could be a team. You need to listen to me when I tell you to do something and right now, I’m telling you to leave Kwil’s food here and eat with us. Kwil understands he doesn’t get to eat until his shift ends.”

I laugh coldly.

“I just want to make sure myteammateshave a full stomach before Jonah and I nail your coffins shut or if you decide to take us out, whichever comes first.”

Theo’s brows fly upwards in surprise as he flinches. I look over my shoulder at Viktor, whose ears turn red. His eyes slide away to the plate of food in front of him. Before either can say anything, I move past him with my two plates full of food. I storm out of the house and stop in the driveway. Looking around in the dark, I can’t spot Kwil. Should I whistle like the guys do? Call his name? Maybe I’ll just leave it in the driveway and hope he smells it.


I nearly throw up both plates of food as I whirl around. Standing behind me is a Ghost. Well, the spirit of a Ghost. The hooded figure lingers a few feet away from me. His booted feet don’t quite touch the ground as he regards me with his head tilted to one side.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” The Ghost’s voice is feminine. I don’t expect that. Why did I think all Ghosts were men? Man, I’m sexist. I better work on that.

“It’s alright. I just thought I’d sent all you guys over to the Realm of the Dead.” I work to get my fluttering heart under control. “I didn’t see you in the mix.”

“I wasn’t ready to go. I needed to somehow warn the others about the Ghosts that stay here. But they can’t hear me.”

I can hear the distress in her voice.

“I need your help before I go,” she says. “You have to save the Ghosts you came here with.”

Oh? I have to save themagain? If our lives weren’t tied together, I’d definitely hesitate to help at least two out of the three.

“From what?”

“From the Ghosts that have been staying here: Rowan, Gangory, and Peeta.” The Ghost floats closer to me. “I don’t know what they’re using the crystals for, but I think they’ve been using them to power something up. A few other Ghosts have come by, me included, when we needed to come back over for first aid or to report to our superiors. They killed me here, but I’ve watched them take other Ghosts to a different location and then bring the bodies back to burn in the firepit in the backyard. They don’t want us to report them. There are twenty-five urns hidden in a closet upstairs if you need proof. But it all goes back to what’s inside that house. Those crystals are important. They’ve been sending them to, Ithink, other Ghosts.”

She floats closer to me.

“I don’t know what your situation is with the Ghosts here. I have a feeling it’s probably not above board, but it’s got to be better than what Rowan and his men are doing. They only left a few hours ago, but they won’t be gone for long. They never are. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn up again real soon, as in, tonight.”

I scowl.

“Theodon already knows we have to get out of here. We’ll leave when he says it’s time to leave, but I’ll relay the message.”

“Theodon?” The spirit pauses. “Of Windom?”

I blink in surprise. “You know him?”

She shakes her head. “Not personally. I think we went to school together when we were kids… He was a few grades younger than me. As I recall, he wasn’t liked very much.”

I don’t doubt this. “Why?”

“Because of his family’s fall from grace. It was never his fault. but once your family name is tarnished, well…” The spirit shrugs before sighing. “He doesn’t deserve more hardship. Please, go let them know the danger of being here as soon as possible. You can save them…”

“They hate me, and yet here I am, needing to save them once again.Men!” I throw my hands up in frustration, the plates I’m holding completely forgotten. Food goes flying and rains down on me.

“I hope that wasn’t my dinner.” Kwil’s voice comes out of the darkness. I don’t know how I didn’t notice him, but suddenly he’s by my side. His hood lowers so I can feel his breath against my neck as he leans close to my ear. “Talking to a spirit?”

I shiver in excitement. Okay, I hate Ghosts, but maybe this one a little less. The spirit in front of me turns her hooded head to look at him. It’s weird seeing her dressed so similarly to the man beside me. Could this be Kwil’s fate if we don’t get out of here before the others arrive?

“Not just a spirit, a Ghost.” My power surges just a moment. When the Ghost appears in front of Kwil, I hear his sharp intake of breath as he straightens.

The spirit nods to him. “Brother, my name is LeAnna of Brindleflair. Our brother Rowan of Conridge murdered me to keep his secrets. He will do the same to you and your brothers if you don’t get out of here before he arrives.”