I ignore the lie and come up behind her. Before she can move away, I lean over her, encompassing her body with mine as I brace my hands on either side of hers on the railing. As her back presses against my chest, my body vibrates in her personal pattern. The frustration I’ve been feeling evaporates with Willow so close. I bend my head and breathe her in as my face presses into her hair.
Willow’s body relaxes incrementally.
“You can talk to me, Willow. Tell me when you need this.” I pause as I consider my next words. “Ineed this.”
She remains silent, but she does lean further back into me. I suppose that’s something. Taking what pleasure I can from her company, I try not to overdo it by leaning down and running my nose down her long neck. It’s hard. To keep myself from succumbing to primal urges, I force myself to speak.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
Willow sighs loudly. “Is it that obvious?”
I frown. “I don’t like it.”
“I don’t like a lot of things that are going on. I can list them for you from least to greatest if you want.” Willow’s irritation is clear. Her body stiffens beneath me for a moment before she sighs and relaxes.
Replaying the events that have led up to this moment, I have no doubt that I could probably list them in the same way. Rather than going down that route, I try a different approach at communicating with my pretty necromancer.
“Viktor apologized to me the other night.”
Bringing up Viktor is a risk. I know her feelings toward our brother are less than pleasant, and I don’t blame her for that. But I’m curious. What did she say to him that caused him to turn a new page in his book? Today’s car ride was almost pleasant for everyone. The only one who really got the short end of Viktor’s temper was Jonah, and with the way the man taunts my brother, he kind of deserves it.
“I’m sure that was a surprise.”
I snort. “It was when I realized he actually meant it. In the past forty-eight hours, there’s been a significant decrease in outbursts and rudeness from him too.” I press my lips into her hair. “I have a feeling it wasn’t Theo who talked to him, was it?”
Willow turns in my arms. Instead of stepping back to give her space, I remain still as she looks up at me. Part of me worries that even out here in the dark, she’ll see through the shadows of my hood and see me. Still, I keep her close.
“Does it matter who said something to the asshole?” Her gaze hardens. “Yeah, it was me, but itshould havebeen you or Theo to talk to that man. Clearly, he’s struggling, and he needs help, guidance, discipline, orsomething.”
My cheeks burn under her chastising. She’s right. While we may make a passing comment here and there, we’ve let Viktor go unchecked. I open my mouth to agree, but her expression softens.
“But from what I’ve gathered, you three are on your own, huh? You don’t have counselors, vacations, or anything that would give you three a much-needed break on your minds and bodies.” Her hands come up and land on my shoulders. “I’m sorry that being a Ghost isn’t easier.”
There isn’t anything easy about being a Ghost. Even before I became this thing. It’s a long job that is never ending. It’s definitely not for everyone. But there is something that’s changed in the last few days.
“I know it doesn’t seem like it, but since we’ve run into each other, it’s gotten better.”
I don’t think Willow could roll her eyes any harder, or more dramatically. My amusement is mixed with something I can’t place.
“It’s true.” I hope she can hear the sincerity in my voice.
“Sure, things are much better for you. Instead of killing monsters like you’re supposed to be, you’re forced to wrap your arms around a stranger in order to feel complete again.”
This time I laugh. It’s a bit rough, but with all the emotions wrestling around inside of me, it’s the best I got.
“Trust me, holding a beautiful woman close to me is much better than skewering monsters. In fact, I want more of this. Willow, I want nothing more than to stand like this with you for hours. Iwantmy face buried between your legs, and Iwantto hear you scream my name.” I grin as I watch Willow try hard, and fail, not to smile. “But I also want to know more about you. We’ve seen you do some pretty cool things, but we don’t reallyknowyou.”
At this, Willow stiffens. Does she not believe me? Maybe opening up requires trust that I haven’t earned yet. So maybe in order to get there, I have to give something of myself to her. One of my hands leaves the railing, and I reach up to gently take her chin.
“I’ve been jealous, Willow. Jonah has your attention, and I hate it. You open up to him.” There, that’s being open and honest, right?
One of her eyebrows pops upwards.
“He hasn’t threatened me orhit me.”