“Don’t let it take me!” She reaches out for me as it lifts her off the ground. Her eyes are wide and filled with terror. That expression is all I see as I leap up and grab for her outstretched arms. Just when our fingers meet, a snarling mass of teeth and claws collides with me from the side, knocking me away from her. My sword goes flying out of my hand as I hit the ground.
The thing that takes me to the ground is massive. I use my weight to try to roll on top of it, but it has me pinned down good. Its head rears back, its mouth opening wide. As it snaps forward, ready to bite at me, a sword stabs the demon through the neck. Blood spurts everywhere as it goes limp on top of me.
“I gotcha, brother,” a voice says as the weight of the demon is pushed off of me.
A gloved hand reaches down for mine, and I take it. As I get to my feet, I’m greeted by a red bearded man with a wide grin. He wears the cloak of a Ghost. Just behind him are two other Ghosts I don’t recognize, fighting the demons alongside us.
“Grab your sword, and let’s get back to work!” he says as he raises his sword and turns to meet another demon head on.
Theodon’s shout of alarm pulls my attention away from the newcomer. My eyes scan the surrounding Utikyie, and I see the one that’s grabbed Willow moving away from us.
“Send it back to where it came from!” Theodon yells at her as he races after the black knight.
“We need to get her first before she sends it back,” Kwil shouts as he runs towards Willow. Her screams of fear wrap around my heart. I follow my brothers with my sword raised.
“Go for the ankles to slow him down!” Theodon orders as he makes it to the Utikyie first. His sword slams into the armor. It’s not effective, leaving no scratch or dent in its wake. But it does cause the Utikyie to slow down. Kwil goes for the other ankle and behind the knee. I take a running leap and bring my sword up. The tip of the blade slams into the back of its calf. The knight stops and turns.
“Behind you!”
At the warning, I fling myself out of the way. When I look over my shoulder, I see another Utikyie trying to reach for me.
“She belongs to our master. Not you.” The monotone voice that comes from the helmet of the other Utikyie freezes my insides.
The Utikyie that has Willow screeches and I whip toward it. It comes crashing down to its knees. Theodon is there, yanking Willow out of its hand and dragging her away to safety.
“Now, Willow! Send them back now!” I roar.
Theodon keeps a hand on her shoulder as the necromancer turns to the four knights all closing back in on her. I watch as she scowls up at them. As strands of her curls fly around her face, her eyes begin to glow. A massive dark cloud forms in front of her and Theodon. The knights recoil from the entrance to the other realm, but I watch in amazement as Willow forces the Veil to move forward, towards the Utikyie. As the dark entrance grows larger, a wind picks up and it grows even colder outside.
“What the hell is going on?”
“Get back!”
The shouting from the three new Ghosts captures my attention. Leaving Theodon to watch over Willow, I join the other Ghosts in killing off the last of the demons. As we finish up, the three newcomers stand and watch as Willow removes the four undefeatable targets. When the last of the Utikyie is sucked into the dark cloud, it disappears quickly. Willow bends down, placing her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath. While she and Theodon compose themselves, I search the yard for Kwil. I find him severing the head of a lingering demon. When he’s done, he looks in my direction, then to Willow’s.
“I don’t know what the hell is going on, but someone better start talking right now.”
The new Ghosts approach me first, all three easily my size. The redhead falls back as the one with long black hair and a ragged scar across his face steps forward.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” he asks me. His dark eyes take in every detail about me. His mouth presses into a hard line.
“My name is Viktor of Fowlmor, and over there is our leader Theodon of Windom and approaching us is Kwil of Glenwig.”
“I didn’t realize that you three were scheduled to reconvene at this safehouse,” the man notes. “I’m assuming the abrupt visit is due to the creature you’re harboring. Are you planning to bring her to the superiors?”
Creature? I look over my shoulder at Willow, who’s eyeing our newcomers with suspicion as Theodon leaves her side to come over to us.
“The girl has nothing to do with us. She was here when we arrived,” Theodon says. “Now who are you?”
The Fae with black hair regards Theodon closely. “I’m Rowan of Conridge. On my right is Peeta of Moorride, and on my left is Gangory of Benoir. We have been stationed nearby for quite some time in this area. It’s strange to see you three show up suddenly. We’re usually alerted when others are going to cross over.”
“We needed to get more supplies. We haven’t heard from our superiors to get approval, but our survival was dependent on getting fresh supplies,” Theodon lies impressively.
I keep my mouth shut as I let him get us out of this.