He put the ruler down where I could see it. I glared at him and rubbed the sore spot on my inner thigh.

I started to close my knees so he wouldn’t be able to surprise me again, but considering that sharp look in his eye and the fact that he left the ruler in plain sight this time, I didn’t expect him to try to surprise me.

He changed the picture to another man, and my heart sank again. “I don’t remember this one, either.”

“What’s the matter with you? How many times do I have to tell you how important this is?”

“I know. It’s just…”

He picked up the ruler. “Spread your legs.”

My head shot up, and I gasped. “What?”

“You messed up. You admitted you should know this, but since you don’t, you deserve to be punished. Now, spread your legs. Take it like a big girl.”

I couldn’t stop gaping at him. Did he really just say that?

Those words sent a bolt of lighting through me, not of fear, but of pure sexual excitement.Spread your legs.

What if he meant itthatway? Did slapping my inner thigh with a ruler and making me jump turn Dante on as much as it did me?

Just thinking it made my pussy sob open, and wetness stained my panties. I let my knees fall open to expose my sensitive inner thigh.

Dante scrutinized me with his eyebrow raised. Was he thinking the same thing I was? No, he couldn’t be. He was just annoyed that I wasn’t paying attention when he sacrificed his day to help me learn to recognize these people.

He brought the ruler down hard in a vicious smack, and I yelped out. I thought he was finished, but he slapped it down a second time when I wasn’t expecting it. “Stop it!”

“Say that again,” he snarled and smacked me a third time.

“Ow! Stop it!”

I looked up into his smoldering face and instantly knew that he was doing this because it excited him. He loomed over me, big and harsh and powerful. He held the ruler in his hand, ready to strike. He saw my legs spread for him to do whatever he wanted.

He could slap me again… or he could touch me. Either one would make me squeal in delight or pain… Did it really matter which?

His arm migrated to the table to put the ruler down. He did something on his computer, but there was no way I could concentrate now. So, Dante had been holding out on me all this time. All this formality had just been a coverup for how he really felt.

Did Dominic talk to him about what we did? Why wouldn’t he? They were twin brothers. They did everything together—except that.

I squirmed in my seat, getting more agitated by the minute. Should I mess up the next picture to make him slap me again?

Dante said me kissing Dominic was manipulative, that I was messing with Dominic’s head, but fucking Dominic sure wasn’t. I wanted it bad, and I wanted him to give it to me.

I wasn’t trying to mess with Dante, either, but maybe he didn’t see it that way. I should keep it to myself instead of trying to get him to bend me over this table right now.

“Who is this?”

He showed me another picture, and I gasped out loud. I didn’t recognize this person at all. It was someone completely new, someone Dante had never shown me before.

I glanced up to find him glaring at me again… and I knew. He did this so he would have an excuse to punish me. He wanted to make me squeal, in pain or delight, it didn’t matter which.

“Dante…” I croaked.

“Say it again.” His hand migrated toward the ruler, and my breath caught. “Say ‘Dante’ again.”

My heart started racing. He rotated in his chair to face me. “Dante… don’t…”

“Spread your legs. That’s right. You know you want it.”