I hesitated a moment longer. Everyone at the table fidgeted in obvious discomfort except for Michael and his two sons. What did he do to coerce these other families into supporting this idiotic meeting? They couldn’t possibly mean that I should part with my territory on this flimsy pretext.

“We’re willing to offer compensation for your territory,” Michael went on. “Name your price.”

“What could you possibly offer me that’s worth as much as my Atlantic City territory?” I snorted. “Honestly, Don Michele. I’m starting to think you’re trying to insult me.”

“There’s no need to talk like that,” Zefiro squeaked.

“My father and grandfather and great-grandfather worked hard to win that territory,” I replied. “I would be betraying my family honor if I sold it, and I can promise you that I will use all the resources at my disposal to keep it.”

But they all already knew that. No one in this room ever seriously expected me to part with any territory. That was ridiculous. They concocted this meeting for some other reason. What was it?

Michael made another dismissive wave. He was out of his tree if he expected me to just cave to his demands. “We’re willing to offer you compensatory territory here in Boston in exchange for a slice of your Atlantic City holdings.”

My ears pricked up. Now they were talking. I thought about it for another minute and then pulled out the chair, swiveled it around, and sat down. I tilted it back, rotated to one side, and stopped short of putting my feet on the table. “What do you have in mind?”

“We’re willing to offer our territory from Lexington east as far as Wakefield and Stoneham as well as our holdings in Cambridge and Chelsea.”

Now he really had my attention, but I studied my fingernails instead of responding. The Vittorios fought hard to stake out any territory at all in Boston. The Fortinos were too old and too strong in this town.

The Vittorios sacrificed a lot of good men claiming that territory in the northern part of town, and they were barely holding onto their claims in Cambridge and Chelsea. Why would they throw it away now?

“In exchange,” Michael went on, “we want controlling access to all of Atlantic City. You’ll pull out completely and confine the Fortino family’s activities to Boston. We’ll stay in Atlantic City so our territories never cross.”

Now it all made sense. They wanted to withdraw from Boston to concentrate their forces in Atlantic City, but not so our families would remain separate. The Vittorios couldn’t possibly want that.

No, they wanted to regroup. They bit off more than they could chew trying to weasel their way into Boston. Now they wanted to cut bait and slope off to Atlantic City while they rebuilt up their forces for another campaign against the Fortinos.

“Don Luca…” Zefiro interjected one more time. “Don’t you think this compromise is the best thing for us all? Surely the Fortinos desire peace as much as the Vittorio family does. Why not settle in separate territories? This compromise will make it possible for both your families to turn a profit without the constant threat of war hanging over our heads.”

Like hell it would. We would never have peace with the Vittorios. I didn’t lose my father in prison to throw his lands into the clutches of his enemies, but I didn’t say that.

I stood up and buttoned my jacket. “Very well. Send the contract through to my legal office, and we’ll begin the process of handing over the necessary properties. Thank you, gentlemen, ladies…”

I headed for the door. This compromise would never get out of the negotiation phase. If they wanted to play ping pong for the next ten years, I would oblige them.

That meeting wasn’t a complete waste of time, though. It confirmed in my mind that the Vittorios really were arming for war at this very minute—not that I really needed confirmation.

Nearly everyone at the table got up and filed out of the conference room after me. We entered the outer office where Serena rose to greet us.

I would have walked out without a backward glance, but when I reached the outer exit, I found Michael Vittorio at my side. “Your date is delightful. Where did you find her?”

I snapped to alert, and when I turned to confront him, he motioned to a side room adjacent to the office. Computer screens showed video security feeds from all over the club.

Michael gestured to the center one. It showed Ariana sitting at the table where I left her. Dante had taken Dominic’s place, and she was talking to him while Dominic stood nearby. He stood with his back to her and surveyed the mezzanine in an obvious guarding posture.

“I’m sure your late father would be delighted if he knew you were thinking of finally settling down and continuing his family. Does she belong to any family we know?”

I glanced up at Michael, trying to read his superficial smile. Did he recognize Ariana? Did he have a clue about her significance to my family?

He smiled even more broadly like we were the closest friends sharing a casual conversation over drinks at some party. “You’ll have to invite me to the wedding.”



Ariana bumped my arm. “What is it with this place, anyway?”

“What do you mean?” I called over my shoulder. “It’s a club like any other.”