I angled my ass into his thrusts. He struck hard and true. He stabbed into my most sensitive pleasure spots, and I screamed, reeling into another orgasm.

His grip tightened on me, and every muscle in his body went rigid against my back. He was going to cum, but at that moment, someone snorted from by the door.

He broke away from my mouth, and we both looked over to see Luca standing there watching us. Dominic didn’t stop spanking my ass, but he slowed to a steady rhythm.

“Unbelievable!” Luca shook his head. “Are you finished yet? It’s time to leave.”

He walked out, and Dominic turned around to meet my gaze, but he didn’t look angry anymore. I couldn’t read his expression until he leaned and started kissing me again.

He kissed me more slowly and tenderly this time. His deep, dark eyes loomed before me in a hypnotic trance. The last epic waves of rapture and delight swirled through me with each brutal spank of his cock against my ass.

Those thrusts felt so beautiful and sweet now. I knew this man. I knew him better than anyone I ever met, even Jen. This man occupied a special place in my heart. No one would ever take that place.

My heart flooded with relief that he was the one I gave myself to. This was no game, no manipulation. I gave myself to him because I wanted him. I wanted to express some of the deep, abiding affection and tenderness that never left me in all the years since my dad took me away.

Dominic’s tongue tasted impossibly sweet. I needed more than this, and when I pulled my arm out of his grip, he didn’t try to stop me.

I threw my arm around his neck while he drilled into me from behind. I couldn’t kiss him fast enough, and I never wanted to break eye contact with him.

He wrapped his powerful, muscular arms around my ribs, and his thrusts built to a pounding, devastating beat, but the harder he fucked me, the better it felt. I couldn’t stop touching him.

All at once, his eyes clamped shut tight. He gasped once and stroked in hard and deep. He stayed plunged into me while his body quaked and spasmed in his own release.

He relaxed in my arms, but I didn’t want this to end, not even when he collapsed at my side. I ran my fingers through his sweat-damp hair and kissed his ear, feeling… Could this be love? Did I still love him the way I used to?

I loved him as a brother then, but we weren’t children anymore. Could that love survive into a real adult attraction?

“Thank you,” I murmured. “That was amazing.”

He snorted, but when he straightened up to face me, I saw that he was laughing. “Don’t expect any special treatment from now on. Don’t think every punishment is going to end like that.”

That smile swept me back in time. I was right about him. He was the same boy I remembered. The heart and soul I loved in my early childhood still dwelled in him under that tough exterior.

“Did you mean what you said about spanking me?”

“Would you like a spanking right now? You deserve one.” He grabbed me and pushed me down on my stomach so my ass pointed up at him.

“No!” I shrieked. “Stop it!”

He let me go and flopped on his back, laughing. “Don’t tempt me.”

I swatted his arm. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I? You aren’t five years old anymore. Remember that.”

I blushed and another deluge of happiness overwhelmed me. I didn’t want this moment to end. “Do we really have to go to the club?”

“Sure.” He folded his arm under his head. His cheeks glowed, and he smiled up at me with his eyes alight with some emotion too beautiful to believe. Was it love? “You heard what Luca said. We need to test-drive your chops to make sure you can convince the mafia world that you’re his girl.” I rolled my eyes, and he kissed me on the forehead. “Don’t worry. Dante and I will be there. Nothing will happen.”

We shared another long, heartfelt look. Those words sealed the deal in my heart. Nothing would happen to me as long as they were around. They always protected me. They would do it now.

“I guess I better take a shower.”

He snorted again. “Uh… Yeah.”

I kissed him on the neck just beneath his ear. “You want to come and wash me down yourself?”

“And get my ass kicked by Luca? No, thank you. I’m supposed to be on the job here.” He pulled up his pants and started buckling his belt.