Chapter Fifteen

“Are you ready?”

Deborah smoothed both hands down her skirts and nodded. Her stomach had been flooded with butterflies ever since the moment she had woken and the feeling lingered still, making her feel rather unsettled.

Lord Havisham had not come to speak to her as he had promised. Last evening had been a very late affair indeed, and by the time they had returned to the townhouse, the first light of dawn had been spreading across the horizon. Deborah had shared many looks with Lord Havisham, but nothing had been said – although when he had taken her hand to help her alight from the carriage, Deborah had hardly been able to breathe.

However, since breaking her fast, she had not seen Lord Havisham and, upon his mother’s inquiry, had been informed that he was still abed. Now both she and Lady Havisham were to go to Lord Brecham’s home to take tea with him and whoever else he had invited, and yet all Deborah wanted to do was remain exactly where she was until Lord Havisham appeared.

“This is to be an afternoon soiree, I am sure of it.” Lady Havisham tutted as she turned towards the door, which was immediately opened for her by a waiting footman. “Lord Brecham did not call it so explicitly, but that is what it sounds like.” Her eyes darted back towards Deborah as she turned her head over her shoulder. “Do you intend to join me, Miss Fullerton?”

Deborah flushed, pulled from her thoughts by Lady Havisham’s gently teasing tone.

“Yes, of course.”

Making her way outside, she sat down opposite Lady Havisham but kept her gaze trained on the door, waiting for Lord Havisham to appear… but he did not. And as the carriage rolled away, Deborah’s hopes faded.

“You were waiting for my son, I think.” Opening her mouth to respond, Deborah closed it again as Lady Havisham smiled knowingly. “He has come to realize the beauty that is before him, then?”

“I – I cannot say, Lady Havisham.”

For the first time, Deborah realized that what Lady Havisham had said to her last evening about having particular gentlemen notice her might well have related to Lord Havisham. Had Lady Havisham already been aware of Lord Havisham’s feelings?

“I am certain that he will have risen by the time we return,” came the comforting reply. “There is a great joy in my heart over this, Miss Fullerton.” Her smile lit her eyes and Deborah could not help but return it with one of her own. “I think my son has finally come to his senses!”

Deborah laughed, her cheeks still warm.

“It has been quite extraordinary. Although…” Her smile cracked and a frown pulled at her brow. “My father is not something we have discussed as yet.”

Lady Havisham waved a hand.

“That will not concern him, my dear. I know my son. He will trust your word and mine also.” Her smile grew. “I look forward to calling you my daughter-in-law!”

Deborah’s blush grew hotter.

“There is no mention of that at present.”

“Ah, but there soon will be,” came the decisive reply. “Just wait, Miss Fullerton. It will not be long.”

* * *

Those words lingeredin Deborah’s heart as she sat quietly to take tea with Lady Brecham and the other ladies who had been invited for the afternoon. Lady Havisham had been correct to state that it was an afternoon soiree, for the gentlemen were busy drinking brandy and whisky whilst talking in loud tones in various parts of the drawing-room and parlor, whilst the ladies sat down with their tea and attempted to make quiet conversation. Deborah paid very little attention to anything which was being said, her thoughts still fixed on Lord Havisham. After their kiss, she had found the rest of the ball dull and lifeless, compared to all that she had felt when he had pulled her close. Even now, just the thought of it sent her heart clattering against her chest.

Deborah smiled.

“Ah, good afternoon, Miss Fullerton.”

Looking up, Deborah rose quickly as Lord Harrogate came to stand beside her.

“Good afternoon, Lord Harrogate.”

Deborah pressed her lips together, wondering how she might inform him that her heart was now quite engaged to another and that thus, his attempt to encourage her affections was doomed to failure.

“And where is Lord Havisham this afternoon?”

“I believe he is still resting,” Deborah answered, gesturing to Lady Havisham. “I am sure that his mother would know a little more, should you wish to enquire of her.”

Lord Harrogate grinned.