Miss Fullerton was returning to them arm in arm with a gentleman Jonathan only vaguely knew. However, it was not that awareness which made him gasp, but rather the sheer beauty of Miss Fullerton. Even in a simple gown with very little embellishment, Jonathan found her beauty to be entirely unmatched. Her cheeks glowed, her eyes sparkled and the way her dark hair shimmered in the light demanded his attention.

Something akin to envy rose in his chest and Jonathan allowed it to fill him. The moment she was back by his mother’s side, he bowed and greeted her warmly, relieved when the other gentleman took his leave.

“I do hope you are having a pleasant evening?”

“I am.”

Her eyes strayed from his, turning to the left and then to the right although Jonathan did not know who she could be looking for.

“And have you danced often?”

Her gaze returned to him, but her smile faded.

“I have only been claimed for a few dances, Lord Havisham.”

A small line drew itself between her brows, as if she were waiting for him to make some disdainful remark.

“Well, that is excellent!” His exclamation made her frown grow all the more, now confused by his exuberance. “Might I be able to add to your dance card?” The moment the question was out of his mouth, Jonathan knew that he had made a mistake. Miss Fullerton’s eyebrows shot up into her hair and even his mother turned to face him with an expression of astonishment. “I think it might encourage some of the other suitable gentlemen of thetonto come and consider you,” he added lamely, knowing full well that it was not the reason he had asked Miss Fullerton to dance. “That is, only if you would wish to dance with me, Miss Fullerton?”

She blinked rapidly and did not answer him for some moments. Then, without a word, she slipped off her dance card from her wrist and handed it to him, letting Jonathan peruse it without hesitation. When he glanced up at her, he saw all too clearly the concern which widened her eyes. Clearly, she was afraid that he would think the few names on her dance card to be very embarrassing indeed.

His heart twisted and before he could prevent himself, Jonathan had written his name down for the cotillion and, secondly, the waltz.

What am I doing?

It was there now, and he could not take it back. Handing her the dance card, he tried to smile but struggled to do so, a little worried about her reaction, also. Miss Fullerton’s eyes flared, and she looked from the dance card to his face and then back again, as if she were attempting to make sure that this was what he wanted.

Lady Havisham leaned over and let out a small exclamation.

“Good gracious! The waltz?” Her eyes turned back to Jonathan, and he merely shrugged, trying not to let that particular remark embarrass him. “My goodness, Havisham,” his mother continued. “You truly are attempting to bring Miss Fullerton some attention, are you not?”

“I am sure I will succeed,” Jonathan replied, as Miss Fullerton’s cheeks glowed with a rosy blush. “But only if you wish it, Miss Fullerton. I do not have to dance the waltz with you if your preference would be to stand back instead.”

Her eyes caught his and the swirl of gold and brown in her eyes told him that she had already made up her mind.

“Thank you, Lord Havisham. I would be delighted to dance with you.”

Smiling back at her, Jonathan bowed again.

“Then it is the cotillion and the waltz, Miss Fullerton,” he told her, as if she was not already aware. “And I am already looking forward to them both.”

And that, he realized as Miss Fullerton murmured some compliment in return, was the truth of it. He wanted very much to stand up with Miss Fullerton and to have her tight in his arms.

There was no reasonable or easily understood explanation as to why he felt that way, but Jonathan did not shy away from the truth. He suddenly could not wait for the waltz to begin, so that he might pull Miss Fullerton close and dance with her for all society to see. He did not care what they might say, did not care what whispers would be spoken behind gloved hands. All he wanted was to have Miss Fullerton in his arms as he danced with her.

His anticipation grew with every second which passed for that, he was sure, would be the most singular pleasure of this evening and it could not come soon enough.

Chapter Ten

Deborah did not know how she felt. All too aware that she, a companion, was now dancing with an Earl, Deborah struggled to even lift her head to look into Lord Havisham’s eyes.

“I am not disappointing you, I hope?”

Her eyes flared in surprise.

“Disappointing me?”

Her words were breathless, such was the exertion which came with being twirled around the room, but Lord Havisham’s reply was calm and steady.