“We are indeed,” the second replied, a small smile on her lips but her eyes darting away. “And have you decided to take the air this afternoon?”

“Of course he has, since he is out walking!” Lady Vivian exclaimed, waving a hand at her friend who immediately dropped her head, blushing furiously. “You cannot linger for even a few minutes, Lord Havisham?” Her tone became a little wheedling, and Jonathan shook his head, all the more disinclined towards her company. How much he regretted giving her that ridiculous compliment when they had been at that evening soiree! Clearly that had encouraged her to believe that he very much wanted her company when the opposite was quite true.

“Then mayhap I can enjoy your company instead?” Lady Vivian was not about to be dissuaded it seemed, for she rose and, brushing down her skirts gently, lifted her head and smiled at him. “My mother will not mind, so long as I only walk a short distance. And I am sure that my friends will accompany us so that I am able to return with them once you are to continue on your way.”

Unable to do anything but agree, Jonathan offered his arm to her which, after a warm smile up into his eyes, the lady accepted. He fell into step with her and began to walk along the path. Struggling to think of what he might say, he chose to wait for Lady Vivian to speak rather than begin a slightly awkward conversation. After all, that was what had caused him so much difficulty the last time!

“I do hope you are well, Lord Havisham?”

“Very well, I thank you. And you?”

Lady Vivian nodded.

“I confess I have been a little surprised to see Miss Fullerton in company again.” Jonathan closed his eyes and resisted the urge to groan aloud. He had only just removed the lady from his thoughts and now Lady Vivian was bringing her back to his mind! “I had thought that she was your mother’s companion only and would not often be seen in society.” As he considered how he might answer, it took Jonathan a moment to realize that the lady did not need him to respond and was instead continuing to speak without hesitation. “I have asked a few of my friends butnoneof them have heard of the daughter of Lord Ingleby, which is very strange indeed. And to think that she is being considered as a possible match for some of the gentlemen in our society!” The light, tinkling laugh did nothing to bring Jonathan any mirth and he found himself frowning instead – which Lady Vivian did not appear to notice. “I should think that any gentleman who would consider Miss Fullerton would have to have reason to marry such a creature. They might be a little old and seeking a young wife, or mayhap they would do so to avoid scandal! Regardless, I am not convinced that the lady will have any success, although mayhap she too will wish to marry quickly.”

“I think you are a little harsh in your considerations, Lady Vivian.” His voice was a little hard, but Jonathan did not care. Lady Vivian had spoken too long on the subject of Miss Fullerton, and it was becoming rather wearying. “Miss Fullerton has every reason to make a good match and I do hope that she is able to do so soon.”

Lady Vivian’s smile shattered, and her eyes narrowed as she looked up at him.

“You speak in very clear terms as regards Miss Fullerton, I think.”

“My mother thinks very highly of her, and I have come to realize that her judgments about Miss Fullerton’s character are not at all misplaced.”

Jonathan did not make any further comment, ignoring Lady Vivian’s hard look.

“Goodness.” Lady Vivian’s quiet remark needled Jonathan and he found himself eager to remove himself from her company. “I do not think I should be at all surprised if I were to see you dancing with Miss Fullerton at the next ball, Lord Havisham!”

A tight knot tied itself in Jonathan’s stomach.

“I have no reason to pull back from such a thing, should it be required of me.”

Keeping his voice steady, he tried to smile at her, but it would not quite stick.

“Even though there is such a mystery surrounding her?” Lady Vivian asked, sounding astonished. “Have you any understanding as regards Lord Ingleby’s silence on even having a daughter?”

Jonathan turned a little, coming to a stop. He had no time for such questions and did not want to even attempt to answer them. For whatever reasons – reasons he could not understand and did not even want to ask about – Lady Vivian appeared to be quite concerned about Miss Fullerton and seemed to want to push her concerns onto Jonathan himself.

“I think that I must continue on my way, Lady Vivian. Forgive me. It seems that our conversation must come to an end for the present.”

Her lips pursed but she did drop her hand from his arm without too much hesitation.

“Very well. Good afternoon, Lord Havisham.”

Bowing, Jonathan murmured his farewells both to Lady Vivian and to her friends, who walked a little behind them, before turning on his heel and walking briskly away.

Why does she continually ask about Miss Fullerton?

Shaking his head to himself, Jonathan passed one hand over his eyes, his shoulders dropping gently with relief that he was no longer in the company of Lady Vivian. The questions she had asked about Lord Ingleby still remained in his mind, however, and Jonathan did struggle to remove them from his thoughts. There was something of a mystery when it came to Miss Fullerton’s father for, even when he had made a throwaway remark about Lord Ingleby being aware of his daughter’s presence in society, both the lady herself and his mother had appeared immediately anxious, with Miss Fullerton looking a little frightened.

And then had come the explanation from his mother aboutsomegentlemen being selfish, lacking kindness and consideration and, whilst Jonathan knew that she had been speaking of Lord Ingleby, it had been all too clear that her words were also directed towards him.

“But if it is true that Lord Ingleby does not mention his daughter to anyone, then why is there such concern over his awareness of Miss Fullerton being present here?”

Murmuring to himself, Jonathan flushed in embarrassment as two ladies glanced at him and then at each other, their lips curving into a smile at the gentleman who was clearly speaking to himself. Turning, Jonathan made his way a little more quickly along towards White’s, glad when he finally ducked inside.

Letting out a long breath, he went to find a quiet corner where he might simply sit in silence with his thoughts for a short time. He did not want to think about Miss Fullerton, nor about his mother, Lady Vivian, or any other young lady. He just wanted to enjoy being here alone.
