“Have no doubt, Miss Fullerton.Thisyear, we will be successful.”
Miss Deborah Fullerton tried to smile but her heart was so heavily weighted that it was a struggle to even attempt to do so.
“You do not have the same hope as I, I think.” Lady Havisham turned her head and looked sharply back towards Deborah, who merely spread her hands. Lady Havisham sighed heavily and shook her head. “I can well understand such emotion my dear, for as you well know, I was once a companion also.”
“Yes, I do recall you informing me of such a thing.”
Deborah wanted to tell her employer that simply becauseshehad found herself a rich and handsome husband despite being a companion, that did not mean that such a thing would occur for Deborah herself! She had not had any other choice but to become a companion and, given her lowly status, Deborah had very little hope that any gentleman would so much as glance at her. Lady Havisham, however, appeared to be more than a little determined that such a situation would take place and Deborah had no doubt that the lady would remain so determined for the entirety of the London Season. She had been so last Season also, when Deborah had accompanied her first to London and, thereafter, to a house party but, despite Lady Havisham’s attempts to find Deborah a suitable match, there had been no success to speak of.
“You see, my dear, I have been considering your situation a great deal of late and have come up with the answer to all of your struggles!” Lady Havisham turned away from the window and walked across the room so that she might sit near Deborah. “I am sure that you will think me a little ridiculous, but once you consider it, I know that you will understand why I believe it to be such an excellent idea.”
Deborah folded her hands in her lap and waited for Lady Havisham to continue.
I must be appreciative, no matter what it is she tells me.
After all, Deborah was well aware that she had been brought into the home of a very kind lady who did not treat Deborah as a hired companion, but rather as though she were a poor relative who required her assistance and guidance – and that was a very fortunate situation indeed.
“You will marry my son.”
A gasp ripped from Deborah’s lips; her outward calm composure gone in an instant.
“I know, you will think it quite a ridiculous scheme, but I believe that it would be an excellent match! My son has more than enough wealth for both of youand,since he is an Earl and you a Viscount’s daughter, there can be nothing said about such a match! It would be more than appropriate.” Smiling, Lady Havisham sat back a little more in her chair and tilted her head to the side a little. “What do you think, Miss Fullerton?”
Deborah struggled to answer. Her mouth moved but no sound came out, her throat tight and beginning to ache. The thought of marrying the Earl of Havisham was not one that she hadeverconsidered, even though he was the son of her employer. Deborah had always considered herself to be far below such a gentleman and even the thought of presenting herself to him as an eligible young lady was a rather distressing one.
“You are overcome.” Lady Havisham smiled, clearly quite satisfied with Deborah’s response, and considering it – somehow – to be a positive one. “My son has his faults, however, so you may not find himentirelyto your liking – but again, that is why such a match would be the most suitable of situations. Your gentleness, kindness, and sweet nature would remove his less than desirable qualities, making him the most excellent of gentlemen. I am certain that he would make you the very best of husbands.”
Still, Deborah could not speak. She had never met the Earl of Havisham, having only taken up the position with his mother almost three years ago, and considered him, in her own mind, already to be rather selfish and prideful. In those years he had never once begged to visit his mother and certainly did not write to her regularly! Last Season, he had chosen to be in Bath when his mother had been in London, and when they had gone to Bath, they discovered that he had taken leave to London! Why would she ever think well of him now?
“My son need not know of my intentions, however, just as we hide all such things from your father.” Lady Havisham shrugged one shoulder lightly. “When it all works out and he declares himself to be in love with you,thenI may take a little pride in what I have arranged but, until then, he shall know nothing of it all.”
A small band of relief wrapped around Deborah’s chest.
“I see.” Her voice was brittle and tight. “I am not sure, Lady Havisham, that I would be at all suitable for such a gentleman. You know that my father is impoverished due to his foolishness and that, therefore, I have had to become a companion. That in itself will push a good many gentlemen away from my company.”
Lady Havisham tutted gently, her green eyes turning back to search Deborah’s face.
“Ah but that is their own foolishness, Miss Fullerton,” she answered softly. “They do not know your character and do not give themselves any occasion to even think of you in such a way! That will not be the case with my son for, given that we are to reside with him in London, he will have many opportunities to be in your company.”
Her self-satisfied smile did not bring Deborah any sort of relief. Instead, questions began to pile up within her until she could not hold them back any longer.
“You speak of his household, Lady Havisham? Do you intend to reside with Lord Havisham? At his estate? Or in London?”
A gentle laugh broke from Lady Havisham’s lips which unsettled Deborah even more.
“Goodness, you are eager! We are to go to London, Miss Fullerton, and shall arrive there within the fortnight. I have only just sent my son a letter informing him of this.” Her lips twitched and a small line formed between her brows, her eyes becoming hard. “He will not be able to escape my company this Season, for I know that he is already in London and has no intention of making his way to Bath.”
Deborah dropped her head but did not speak another word. Lady Havisham asked her to ring the bell for tea, and Deborah rose obediently, pulling the cord gently before meandering to the window and looking out across the estate lands. Lady Havisham had lived here for many years, ever since the death of her husband. It was traditional for unmarried gentlemen to permit their widowed mothers to continue to reside with them until such a time as the Dower House was prepared and they married, but Lady Havisham had eschewed such traditions and had made her way to the Dower House within the year of her mourning. Deborah thought it one of the most beautiful estates she had ever seen and had been glad to reside here, but now the thought of being pulled from it all and taken to London was quite upsetting. And for Lady Havisham to have the intention of marrying Deborah to her son made the situation all the more untenable!
“You need not be so concerned, my dear.” Lady Havisham’s voice floated towards Deborah, soft and filled with encouragement. “It will all come about as I have planned, I am certain of it.”
Deborah turned her head and gave the lady a half-smile, whilst her heart began to sink all the lower in her chest. This was the most dreadful scheme, she was sure, but there was nothing for her to do but go along with Lady Havisham’s intentions and wishes – no matter how discomfiting or frustrating such a situation might be.
I must hope that Lord Havisham is good-natured,she thought to herself, biting her lip.Else things could become very difficult indeed.
Chapter One