
She nodded, her eyes darting up to his as a coy smile tugged lightly at one corner of her lips.

“I have not forgotten, you know. I remember that you went to Bath last Season and left behind a good deal of upset!”

Grimacing, Jonathan tried to shrug off the matter.

“Indeed. I do recall, Lady Vivian, but it could not be helped.”

Another glance up to his face, questions darting about in her eyes.

“You had no other choice but to go to Bath?”

“My mother wished to have the townhouse.” It was a poor explanation but given that he felt very much obliged to give one to her, it was the only one he could come up with. “I thought to allow her a little time here in London without me.”

“Although I believe she soon made her way to Bath, which was around the time you then returned to London – although it neared the end of the Season by that time which meant that there was very little opportunity to be in your company.” Lady Vivian sounded aggrieved, as though she had taken the matter personally. “I do hope you will not do so again.”

“I shall not be making my way to Bath, Lady Vivian,” Jonathan told her, seeing the warm, delighted smile spread across her face as if his words had been a gift solely for her. “I fully intend to stay here in London.”

Lady Vivian’s hand tightened on his arm.

“You will be very welcome in my company whenever you can oblige me, Lord Havisham.”

The warmth in her tone had his heart sending him a warning.

“You are very kind, Lady Vivian.”

He did not say anything more, did not tell her anything that would be of any encouragement, but instead merely continued to walk with her, wondering silently when he might escape to the card room. His gaze suddenly snagged on the figure of Miss Fullerton, seeing her laughing up into Lord Thornley’s face as they walked together across the room. She did not even glance in Jonathan’s direction, did not appear to know that he was present, and yet Jonathan could not seem to pull his eyes away. Miss Fullerton was clad in a very pale green gown which Jonathan thought suited her well, for it drew a contrast between itself and her dark brown eyes, making them all the more appealing. The way that she was smiling at Lord Thornley made his gut twist, for she had never once smiled at him in such a way. It transformed her features, bringing light and warmth into her eyes and adding color to her cheeks. Jonathan did not like the twist of envy which ran through him upon seeing it and tried, therefore, to return his attention to Lady Vivian.

“I am sure that Lord Ingleby did not have a daughter.”

A frown pulled at Jonathan’s brow.

“I beg your pardon?”

“That is Miss Fullerton, is it not?” Lady Vivian lifted her chin in the direction of Miss Fullerton and Lord Thornley, perhaps having seen his attention caught in the very same direction. “She has been dancing with Lord Thornley and now seems to be very pleased indeed to have more of his company.”

“I am sure she makes excellent conversation.”

Lady Vivian’s lip curled.

“As I have said, I do not recall that Lord Ingleby had a daughter.”

Lifting one shoulder, Jonathan tried to brush aside the remark.

“I do not know the gentleman. My mother’s affairs are her own.”

“My father is acquainted with Lord Ingleby, and I am well aware that he only had two sons, just as a gentleman ought.” Lady Vivian gave a small sniff, then glanced up at him, her eyes rounded with concern. “I can only hope that this particular young lady is not spreading untruths about her position in the hope of garneringmorefrom your mother than she ought.”

Jonathan shook his head.

“I am certain that my mother has done all that is required of her to make certain that Miss Fullerton is quite suitable,” he told her, more than confident in such a remark. “Although I thank you for your concern.”

“It is strange, is it not, that Viscount Ingleby has never made mention of a daughter?” Lady Vivian moved a fraction closer to Jonathan so that he could feel the warmth of her spreading gently across his skin. “My father is connected with him, as you might be aware, but I am certain that in all of his dealings, a daughter has not been made mention of in any regard.”

Not being able to answer this, Jonathan ran one hand over his forehead.

“There will be some reason for it.” Recalling just how much his mother had said about Lord Ingleby, Jonathan tried to dismiss Lady Vivian’s concerns. “We need not concern ourselves.”