“You look much too young to be a governess.” His voice was low. “I do hope you will be able to keep the child in line.”

Clearly, Albina had displeased him by both her lack of attention and her appearance.

“Forgive me, Lord Addenbrook.” Her voice was thin, and Albina swallowed the knot which had formed in her throat. “I will be able to fulfill my duties, of course. In becoming distracted as I came in, I –”

I do not need to make up some excuse. I am just the child’s companion, nothing more.

Lord Addenbrook had not moved from his chair and even as she spoke, Albina could tell that he was disinterested in what she was saying. He wasn’t even looking at her any longer. Instead, his gaze was drifting from one corner of the room to the other and he remained quite silent for some minutes, even after Albina had finished speaking.

The butler cleared his throat.

Lord Addenbrook’s eyes lifted back to Albina.


He threw up his hands as if she ought to know precisely what it was that he meant by it. Flustered, Albina turned to the butler, stammering an apology for not knowing what it was she was meant to do.

“I shall take you to Henry now.” The butler’s eyes turned to the door and Albina hurried towards it, turning her back on Lord Addenbrook. She was hot with embarrassment but, as she glanced over her shoulder and saw him pouring a measure of brandy into a glass, she became aware of a nudge of anger in her heart. It was not as though Lord Addenbrook had made any attempt to welcome her into the house, nor had given her any explanation about her role and expected duties. He had not even informed her of the boy’s name or asked the butler to take her up to him! Albina’s lips twisted. The very least Lord Addenbrook could have done would have been to introduce her to the child himself. Had not Mrs. Stanley said that the child was his nephew? Did he not care about him one whit?

“You will soon learn, Miss Trean, that the master does not like to be disturbed.”

Albina swallowed her anger and glanced up at the butler.

“I understand.”

“That will require you to keep the young man far from him at all times.”

Biting her lip for a moment, Albina found her courage and asked a question that she feared would be a little too bold.

“Does Lord Addenbrook not wish to see his nephew at any time? Does he not have any interest in the child?”

The butler’s head twisted towards her, and Albina’s stomach tightened, afraid that she had already made some sort of misstep.

“As I have said, you will soon learn about the master of this house, Miss Trean. He is not inclined to have any interest in the child, no. You should not expect it. He will not send for the boy, will not ask for any particular reports or the like.”

Albina nodded, but silently considered that Lord Addenbrook appeared, thus far, to be the most dislikeable of gentlemen. Had she been in her proper situation, then she would have, most likely, done all she could to avoid him.An arrogant fellow,she thought to herself.One who likes to think only of himself and his own interests.Her lips pursed as she followed the butler up the staircase. The manor house was grand indeed, but Albina was not overawed by it, given that her father’s estate and manor house was just as grand. This was all familiar to her and she knew the many comforts a house like this could bring.

Which was why it then came as something of a shock when she was shown into her small bedchamber. Albina bit back a protest as the butler ushered her in, reluctance growing with every step she took. The bare boards on the floor wrapped a draft around her ankles and the small window was murky with dirt.

“The maids were not given adequate time to clean, but the bed is prepared and the wardrobe ready. If you wish to have it a little tidier then I shall send up the necessary things.”

The thought of having to clean her windows and sweep the dusty floor made Albina wince. The butler caught her expression and Albina, recalling immediately that she was pretending to be a governess well used to such a situation, quickly smiled.

“Thank you. I would be glad if you could do so.”

“Good.” The butler turned and walked smartly out of the room. “We have not made particular introductions as yet, of course.” As Albina followed him into the hallway, he turned and gave her a short bow. “I am Mr. Carlisle. The housekeeper is Mrs. Meads.”

“I am pleased to meet you.”

Albina was not quite certain what a governess ought to say to a butler but this, much to her relief, seemed to suffice for the butler nodded and then gestured to the room opposite.

“This would be the schoolroom. You may peruse it at your leisure but, for the moment, I will take you to Master Henry.”

Albina’s swirling nervousness suddenly grew into a crescendo as the butler led her just a few steps along the hallway, knocking lightly on the door and then gesturing for her to step inside.

Her breath quickened, but she forced a smile to her lips and, pushing the door open, walked inside.

The room was dimly lit. One figure was bending over the small child as he lay in bed whilst another – a maid, Albina assumed, was tugging the drapes tightly closed.