Albina, hot and weary from her journey – some of which had required her to walk – sank down into an old, rickety wooden chair that felt more comfortable than anything she had ever sat on at home. Tears burned in her eyes, and she let them fall. This last fortnight had been the most tumultuous of her life and Albina had never felt so fatigued.

“I am very sorry to hear of your troubles.” Mrs. Stanley sat down opposite her, her lined face gentle. “That sounds very trying.”

“It has been,” Albina agreed, softly. “I had nowhere else to go, no-one to turn to, save you.”

A plan had quickly been formed whereby Albina had left everything she owned behind and had made her way to the home of her old governess, who had, with Albina’s pin money, purchased what would be needed for her new position as governess. However, given all that had been required to be purchased, Albina now had only a few meager coins left.

“And I am very glad to have been of help to you. I am sure we were brought together at the right time, given that my sister spoke to me of a Marquess seeking a governess at exactly the same time as your letter arrived.”

The knot of tension that had been in Albina’s stomach tightened still further.

“I am not sure I shall be very good as a governess.”

“Yes, you shall.” The confidence in Mrs. Stanley’s voice did not bring Albina any further encouragement. “You were a good child and you learned quickly. I am certain that you will do the same in this situation too.”

Albina managed a small smile and then took a sip of her tea.

“My mother will, I am certain, be searching for me.”

“I can understand your sorrow in leaving home.”

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Albina stared down dejectedly at her teacup.

“I had no other choice.”

“Your father wished you to marry a gentleman you disliked?”

“More than disliked,” Albina replied, heavily. “He was a gentleman inclined to his own pleasures who cared nothing for my heart. I believed him to be entirely honorable until a certain situation came to light.”

Her old governess nodded.

“I quite understand. I was blessed to find a husband much later in life, which was the only reason I was able to step back from my position as governess. But had I been at all uncertain of him, I would have remained as governess.” Reaching across, she put one hand on Albina’s knee. “You have my sympathies and my understanding.”

Tears dripped from Albina’s eyelashes despite her attempts to hold them back.

“Thank you.”

“Come now, child, try not to cry. You are tired and things will look a little brighter in the morning.”

Albina nodded, her whole body aching with weariness.

“Lord Addenbrook’s estate is not far from here. If anything should go wrong, then you need only make your way back. You will always have a welcome here, Albina.”

Pressing her lips together, Albina dried her eyes with her handkerchief, which she had only just pulled from her sleeve.

“Do you know how long you intend to be a governess for?” Mrs. Stanley’s voice was gentle. “I understand that you wish to escape from a forced betrothal, but will you remain with Lord Addenbrook indefinitely?”

Albina’s voice wobbled.

“I am not certain. I did not think about what else I would do once I became a governess, only that I had to escape from the situation which my father had placed me in, with all haste.”

Mrs. Stanley nodded slowly, seeming to understand Albina’s confusion.

“There is a lot to think of, and mayhap you are right to take this situation just as it stands, until you are certain what you wish to do next.”

Another worry plagued Albina’s mind.

“Might I ask what you know of Lord Addenbrook’s character? He is a gentleman, I understand.”