His lips descended to hers and Albina reached up on tiptoes to meet him. His lips were soft and warm, his hands tight about her waist as she leaned into him, her arms around his neck once more. She kissed him without hesitation, trusting him with both her present and her future. Joy like she’d never known seemed to sweep her away and, when she opened her eyes, stars sparkled in her vision.

“I love you, Albina.”

Lord Addenbrook cupped her chin, his eyes searching her face as if desperate for her to believe him.

“I did not even think I was capable of such an emotion, but it is like a torrent pouring out from my heart. I love you. I love you desperately.”

“Then make me your bride,” she whispered, leaning against his strong frame, her fingers brushing through the hair at the back of his neck. “For my only wish is to be your wife.”

He smiled, his eyes gleaming and, in the next moment, Albina found herself caught up in his arms.

“Then I shall have the carriage prepared immediately,” he growled playfully, making her laugh. “And you shall have your dearest wish, Lady Albina, and I shall have mine.” His head turned a little more and he caught her lips with his own again. “To be your dutiful, loving husband who will do nothing other than marvel at the day he found such a beautiful, tender lady such as you.” He smiled into her eyes. “I love you, Albina.”

Her hand brushed his cheek tenderly.

“I love you too.”

I amglad the Lady Albina found her true love and didn’t have to return to her father’s house! If you missed the first book in this series, here it is! More Than a Companion There is a preview just ahead. Or check out the list of all my books and find one you missed!

My Dear Reader

Thank you for reading and supportingmy books! I hope this story brought you some escape from the real world into the always captivating Regency world. A good story, especially one with a happy ending, just brightens your day and makes you feel good! If you enjoyed the book, would you leave a review on Amazon? Reviews are always appreciated.

Below is a complete list of all my books! Why not click and see if one of them can keep you entertained for a few hours?

The Duke’s Daughters Series

The Duke’s Daughters: A Sweet Regency Romance Boxset

A Rogue for a Lady

My Restless Earl

Rescued by an Earl

In the Arms of an Earl

The Reluctant Marquess (Prequel)

A Smithfield Market Regency Romance

The Smithfield Market Romances: A Sweet Regency Romance Boxset

The Rogue’s Flower

Saved by the Scoundrel

Mending the Duke

The Baron’s Malady

The Returned Lords of Grosvenor Square

The Returned Lords of Grosvenor Square: A Regency Romance Boxset

The Waiting Bride

The Long Return