Lord Hogarth did not say a word, but stood exactly where he was, unmoving. Patrick’s frame grew tight with tension, but Lady Albina’s hand settled on his and pushed some of that from him. Taking in a deep breath, he waited until Lord Hogarth finally decided to leave the room, refusing to say another word - although, had it not been for Lady Albina’s restraining hand, he might well have physically forced Lord Hogarth out of his house.

The door closed behind Lord Hogarth, only to open again as the enquiring butler came to see what it was that Patrick wanted. Speaking in short, clipped tones, Patrick quickly informed him that Lord Hogarth was to depart the house and that the butler was to make certain it was done as soon as possible. He knew that it was a good deal to ask of his staff during the grand Ball but his only concern at present was for Lord Hogarth’s presence to be gone from his house entirely – never to return.

“And now I must apologize to you, Lady Albina.” Dutton cleared his throat and then bowed low towards her, as her hand squeezed Patrick’s gently. “I did not mean to startle you the night that you fell. I heard someone coming and darted into the schoolroom. I did not manage to douse my light in time and was certain that you had seen me. So, out of fear of being discovered, I ran from the room and prayed that the shadows would hide my face.”

Patrick closed his eyes, recalling just how dazed Lady Albina had been.

“That was you.”

“It was, and I am heartily sorry. I did not mean to injure you, Lady Albina.”

“That is quite all right.” The softness in her voice was a balm to Patrick’s tormented soul. “I understand that you were only doing what you thought was best to keep Henry safe. I cannot hold anything against you.”

Dutton bowed.

“You are most generous, Lady Albina.” He lifted his head and then turned to Patrick. “I am sorry, brother.”

The ache that formed in Patrick’s heart began to move towards his throat and he cleared it gruffly, attempting to push it away.

“You need not apologize, Dutton. I only wish that you had been able to tell me of your troubles long before any of this took place.” A heavy sigh broke from his lips as he passed one hand over his eyes. “But I look at my character and how both yourself and Lord Hogarth viewed me, and I can understand why you did not.”

Lady Albina pressed his hand and moved to stand a little closer to him.

“You must not blame yourself for this matter. This was all Lord Hogarth’s doing.”

“Indeed,” his brother agreed, his hand on Patrick’s shoulder. “I am grateful indeed for the care you have shown to Henry. I knew that I could trust you with the most precious of my possessions and that speaks very highly of you, brother.”

Patrick released Lady Albina’s hand and reached out to shake his brother’s hand instead.

“It is thanks to Lady Albina that I have come to realize just how precious a child he is,” he told him. “She is the one who has shown me what is important and what is not. I swear to you that I shall never return to being that arrogant, prideful gentleman who puts appearances above all else.”

Dutton smiled and shook Patrick’s hand firmly.

“And for my part, I shall never again permit myself to gamble.” The smile on his face dimmed. “I have seen the danger it can bring, and I will never again sit at the card table, not for the rest of my days.”

“But I will still clear your debts, such as they are.” Patrick was unequivocal in his decision. “You will have nothing to weigh on your mind save for your estate and your son.”

Dutton swallowed hard but said nothing, only managing a small nod. Patrick smiled and released his brother’s hand. There was more gratitude in his silence than Patrick could ever hear from Dutton’s lips – but for himself, he did not need any such thing. All he wanted was for Dutton and Henry to return to their lives without fear.

“You will want to see Henry, of course.” Lady Albina smiled gently at Dutton, who nodded again. “He will be asleep but –”

“That will not matter.” Dutton’s voice was brittle but his smile broad. “I will stay with him until he wakens and then I will tell him that he will never be apart from me again.” Inclining his head, he quickly turned and left the room, his steps hasty as if he could not wait a single moment longer to be reunited with his son. Patrick’s chest rose and fell as he took in one deep sigh, closing his eyes as the door shut behind his brother.

There was a peace in him now that he had not felt in a long time. His brother was returned. His nephew was safe and he himself was no longer pushed and pulled by the urgent desire to remain in as prominent a position as he could amongst society. The need to prove himself to be the wealthiest amongst his acquaintances was quite gone and, instead, what he had before him was the promise of a greater and more fulfilling happiness than he had ever imagined.


Turning to her, he took both her hands in his and shook his head to himself at the beauty who stood before him.

“This has been a very great shock, I am sure.” Her smile was gentle, but he could see the weariness in her eyes. “Your brother has returned safely, however, and that must be an enormous relief.”

“More than you could know,” he replied, moving a little closer and intending to declare himself right then and there – just as a tap came to the door.

Lady Albina’s eyes flared, and she stepped back, dropping her hands to her sides. A little nonplussed, it took Patrick a moment to recall that his household still considered her the governess and would not think well of her standing so close to him should they see it. Barking an order, he waited impatiently for the door to open, wanting to do nothing more than return to Lady Albina.

“My Lord, I beg your forgiveness, but the guests are in an uproar!”

The footman’s eyes were a little wide as he spread his hands.