“He did not,” he murmured, as his brother turned his back on them, looking out of the window into the dark night as if there was something incredibly interesting for him to see. “Now you are free of him for good.”

She looked up at him, a question in her eyes – but it was not one that he could answer at present.

“Do forgive me.”

The door opened and Patrick stepped back from Lady Albina, although he did keep her hand in his.

“Hogarth? Whatever is the matter?”

The Ball was still in full swing and Patrick was rather surprised to see his friend.

Lord Hogarth shook his head, giving Lady Albina a quick look but otherwise ignoring her.

“It was just when you stated that you intended to go to London as soon as you could to speak to your brother’s man of business. I had thought to offer you company.” Shrugging, he spread his hands. “Since I am departing tomorrow also, I have now decided to make my way to London also. We might drive together.”

Patrick frowned, completely confused as to why Lord Hogarth wished to speak of such a thingnow.

“I thank you, but no.” Seeing his friend’s lips twist hard and him look away sharply, Patrick tilted his head. “Is there some reason that you require my company?”

Lord Hogarth shrugged.

“No, nothing in particular.”

“Are you quite sure?”

Even Patrick, who had known that his brother was present in the room, started in surprise, but it was Lord Hogarth who began to stutter.

“I think you should tell my brother the truth, Hogarth.” Dutton began to come forward, his hands clasped behind his back. “Why do you not tell him about the threats that you placed upon my head?”

Shock pinned Patrick to the floor.

“Threats?” he repeated, as his brother nodded firmly, although still looking at Lord Hogarth. “Why did you not tell me any of this?”

Dutton stopped then gestured to Lord Hogarth.

“I believe this man’s final words to me were, ‘if you tell anyone of this matter, then your son will suffer severe consequences’.” He lifted one eyebrow. “I knew from experience that you would do as you had threatened, Hogarth, and I could not take the risk of remaining alone at my estate with Henry to care for.” His eyes darted towards Patrick’s. “And thus, we came here. I told Henry that I would be absent for a short while but that I would return – and then I left my carriage and sent it on to you, brother.”

Patrick’s chest was tight and his every breath difficult. Struggling to comprehend what his brother was saying, he turned his attention to Lord Hogarth, expecting him either to deny everything or to tell him that it was notexactlyas Dutton now explained it.

What he saw told Patrick that he was mistaken in that expectation. Lord Hogarth’s lip was curling, his arms were tight, and his hands clenched. The way his shoulders lifted and his jaw jutted made Patrick step forward, suddenly afraid that Lord Hogarth would attack Dutton.

“You threatened my nephew?”

Lord Hogarth spat an exclamation at him but did not remove his eyes from Dutton.

“Ha! You speak as though I had no cause to say such things!”

“And what cause was that?” Patrick asked, aware of the tremor of anger in his voice. “If it was that my brother owed you some debt or other, you could have come to ask me – or my brother could.”

Dutton spread his hands.

“I should have done so,” he agreed, quietly. “But I did not. You have always prided yourself on being the wealthiest, most admired fellow, whereas I have struggled with my own foolishness and lost a good deal of what I once had.” He threw Patrick a glance but did not hold his gaze. “I have asked you for assistance before and I could not bring myself to do it again.”

Shame piled itself onto Patrick’s shoulders.

“You should always be able to come to me for assistance, Dutton. I am ashamed of myself for putting appearance before everything else.” Lady Albina’s hand pressed his for just a moment and gratitude swelled Patrick’s heart. Had she not arrived, then this situation might have been a good deal worse. He turned to his friend. “And you were all too aware of my brother’s penchant for gambling. And yet you were eager to encourage him into such games?”

Scowling, Lord Hogarth’s brows lowered over his eyes.