Lord Kingston was no longer trying to be at all discreet. His voice bellowed out across the grounds and Albina’s heart slammed furiously against her chest in a panic.

She turned her head this way and that, finally realizing that the lights from the manor house were behind her. Turning, she stopped dead for a few moments, wondering if she dared go back the way she had come for fear that Lord Kingston would discover her.

A lantern light caught her attention. It was bobbing slowly towards her, perhaps clutched in someone’s hand. Albina’s throat locked and she closed her eyes. Was that Lord Kingston? Had he grasped a lantern from the stable wall and come in search of her?


The voice this time was not that of Lord Kingston. Albina’s eyes flared, hardly able to trust what she had heard.

“Albina! Where are you?”


She moved quickly, stumbling as her feet caught on a root. She dared not call out for fear that Lord Kingston would reach her first.


Her hands reached out towards the lantern light, her eyes rounding, her heart filling with relief – until a hand reached out and grabbed her.

“We shall avoid Lord Addenbrook, I think.” Lord Kingston hissed in her ear, pulling her back from the light, tugging her away. “You shall not escape me this time.”

Albina whirled around, ignoring the way his fingers tore into the soft skin by her neck. As hard as she could, she thrust her foot down, managing to land her heel on Lord Kingston’s foot, although he only grunted. The elbow that she thrust out, however, managed to catch him off-guard and he let out a yelp of surprise. Albina, tearing herself away, began to run heedlessly - in any direction, so long as it was away from Lord Kingston.

She collided with something solid.

A scream ripped from her throat as she fought to escape from the tight arms which wrapped themselves around her waist. Kicking and pushing back, it took her a moment to realize that the voice which spoke to her was not that of Lord Kingston.

“Albina. Albina! It is I, do not struggle so. You are safe. You are quite safe.”

A sob tore from her throat.

“Addenbrook.” All the fight and fear went from her in an instant as she sagged against him, her arms about his neck and her head falling gently onto his shoulder. He held her, one arm about her waist as the other rubbed her back, and he murmured soft words into her ear. Her head lifted suddenly. “Lord Kingston! He is–”

“My brother has gone in search of him.” Albina stilled, unable to comprehend what he had said. “I do not quite understand it but yes, my brother has reappeared, and all is well with him. When we heard your scream, we both began to run towards the sound – but then you fell into my arms, and I have no doubt that Dutton will catch Lord Kingston.” His lips caught her cheek and Albina sank back into his arms, weary beyond explanation. “Come, let me take you back to the house. There is much you must tell me.”

Albina did not lift her head.

“Is Henry quite all right?”

“He is quite well,” Lord Addenbrook promised. “Sound asleep when I left him, in fact. You need not worry one iota, my dear Albina. He is safe.” She cried then, letting the tears roll down her cheeks and onto his shirt. “Youare safe, my dear Albina.” Lord Addenbrook’s lips brushed lightly against her cheek. “You need never worry about Lord Kingston again.”

Chapter Fifteen

It took some time for Lady Albina to recover, but Patrick did not want to begin any sort of discussion or explanation before she was ready. Lord Kingston had been hauled back indoors by Dutton and a couple of stable hands who had overheard the commotion, and he was presently locked in one of the unused servants’ rooms with nothing but a bed and a chair to keep him company. Patrick did not care about the gentleman’s lack of comfort. After what he had done to Lady Albina, part of him wanted to keep the fellow locked up for the rest of his days, such was his fury.


He moved towards her the moment she opened the door. Her face was pale, but she smiled at him, her eyes soft and her hands reaching out for his. Grasping them, Patrick resisted the urge to pull her into his arms, not when his brother was present. It was enough just to have her in his company again.

“Thank you, Addenbrook.”

He shook his head.

“There is no need to thank me. You were attempting to escape from Lord Kingston before we even arrived!”

“I was afraid he would catch me.”

The smile fled from her lips, she shivered, and Patrick could not help but tug her close.