His heart suddenly soared, and he drew in a long breath, his chest expanding as a broad smile spread across his face. He had made his decision. In telling Lord Hogarth that he was considering matrimony, he had chosen to push away his fears and was now truly considering proposing to the lady. Yes, there would be a scandal at some point and yes, a good deal of rumor and whispers would follow them both, but what did that matter? His happiness would come from being with the beautiful, kind, and extraordinary Lady Albina rather than from what society thought of him. From the moment he had stepped into the ballroom, his thoughts had been fixed on Lady Albina, even though he was currently surrounded by young ladies of incredible beauty. It would be difficult indeed to find a way to marry her which would bring contentment to her parents and there might be a good deal of trouble which would come from their marriage, but Patrick did not give that much consideration. The only thing he considered now was the joy which would be theirs if he could make her his bride.

It was a very freeing thought and he grinned at Lord Hogarth’s response. His friend’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, and he was clearly stunned, but Patrick only chuckled.

“I have astonished you, I can tell.” Patrick slapped his friend on the shoulder. “You will attend the wedding, I hope?”

“You – you have already asked the lady in question?”

“I have not, but I shall do so very soon.” The thought of asking Lady Albina to marry him sent his heart soaring, free of the fear and concern which had held him back only a few minutes ago. “I have every expectation that she will accept me.”

Lord Hogarth shook his head.

“Good gracious.” His voice was barely loud enough for Patrick to hear, particularly over the hubbub of the Ball. “Wed? Are you quite certain?”

Patrick nodded.

“More than certain, my friend.” Seeing Lord Hogarth shake his head, Patrick laughed again. “I am a changed man, I confess, and I have her to thank for such a transformation.”

“I am not quite certain how to respond to such news.” Lord Hogarth closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again and stared at Patrick with such intent that Patrick wondered if his friend was attempting to make certain that he had not gone mad. “You must tell me her name.” Taking a small step closer and appearing to recover himself a little more, Lord Hogarth dropped his head. “Is it someone present here this evening?”

“As I have said, pray do not ask me.” Patrick grinned then turned to bow to one particular young lady who had come to join them. “In fact, I must beg you to excuse me. I am sure, Miss Howick, that Lord Hogarth would begladto dance with you...”

Leaving the surprised young lady and the even more astonished Lord Hogarth behind, Patrick turned on his heel and made his way through the crowd. He wanted nothing more than to be in Lady Albina’s company again, to confess the truth, and to tell her what he now found himself hoping for between them.

Hurrying up through the house, he left the noise of the Ball behind him. His heart was filled with all manner of happiness, his mind settled, and his decision made. If she accepted him, Patrick did not doubt that there would be difficulties in their future, but that would be nothing compared with what joy they would share. Lady Albina was, to Patrick’s mind, the most incredible lady. She had risked her reputation to escape from Lord Kingston and had found an entirely new situation for herself. Patrick thought well of her determination and her courage. There was, he was certain, no other young lady like her, and now that he considered that, it came as no surprise that he had fallen in love with her.

A smile on his lips, Patrick began to climb the staircase towards the schoolroom and nursery. Lady Albina would have already settled Henry, but he prayed that she would still be awake. Perhaps she would be in the schoolroom, preparing Henry’s lessons. Just the thought of putting his arms around her and holding her close sent such a jolt of excited anticipation into Patrick’s heart that he began to take the stairs two at a time.

Recalling that he ought to be a little quieter given that Henry would be asleep, Patrick kept his steps slow as he made his way first to the schoolroom. He did not knock but stepped inside, seeing the flickering candle sitting on the desk. There were some papers open beside it but no sign of Lady Albina.

Patrick frowned, stepped back, and closed the door again. Mayhap she had gone to settle Henry once more or had gone to her bedchamber for something. It would not be wise to leave a candle burning in the schoolroom for the remainder of the evening and Patrick did not think that Lady Albina would be so foolish. Turning his head this way and that, he chose then to go next to the nursery, in case she should be waiting there.

A sudden noise made him jump. Looking over his shoulder and wishing that there were more than just one or two candles lit in the hallway for him to see by, Patrick’s heart began to hammer furiously as the sound came again. It was as if something were being pushed aside or moved out of the way, for the sound scraped and scuffed and echoed down the walls. More than a little confused, Patrick looked about him but could see nothing.

“Miss Trean?”

He did not want to call out for Lady Albina for fear that someone else was present and would overhear him. The sound stopped, however, and Patrick was left standing quietly in the hallway, the only sound now the roaring of blood in his ears.

Frowning, he walked directly to the nursery, ignoring the creaks of the floorboards beneath his feet. Fumbling his way to the fireplace, he found a candle and quickly lit it, holding it aloft.Clearly, Lady Albina is not here, given that the nursery is in darkness.Grimacing, Patrick did not return to the door immediately but walked all around the room, although quite what he was searching for, he did not know.

Something is wrong.

He was not sure what it was that made him think so, but his instincts told him that all was not well. Walking out of the nursery, he hurried to Henry’s room and pushed open the door.

Relief swamped him as his eyes adjusted to the gloom and he saw the dark-haired boy sound asleep in his bed. Hearing the boy’s steady, rhythmic breathing, Patrick crept inside and, holding his candle aloft, looked all around.

Lady Albina was not here. Which meant that the only other place she might be would be her bedchamber. Mayhap, after she had spent some time in the schoolroom, she had been required to fetch something from there before returning.

The sense of foreboding did not leave him, however. Patrick closed Henry’s door carefully and then returned to the schoolroom. The candle still burned, but Lady Albina was still notably absent. And when he went to her bedchamber and knocked, there was no answer.

“Lady Albina?” Speaking quietly, Patrick knocked on the door again. “I do not wish to disturb you but there is a matter of importance which I should very much like to speak to you about, just as soon as possible. If you are presentable, might you be able to attend me in the schoolroom?”

Silence answered his question. The third time he knocked, the sound seemed to laugh at him, as though he were being quite ridiculous.

Mayhap she is asleep.

Patrick shook his head to himself. If she were asleep, then why was there a candle burning in the schoolroom? Lady Albina would not have been as foolish as to leave it there, he was sure. He had to be sure. He had to know for certain that she either was or was not in her bedchamber.

Rapping smartly on the door again, Patrick cleared his throat.