“But of course.”

Rising, he shook Lord Kingston’s hand, accepted his further compliments, and then raised a hand in farewell as the gentleman took his leave.

His smile quickly faded as he reached for his brandy glass and threw back the rest in one large swallow. The reminder of his brother’s absence was a difficult one, and Patrick struggled against the wave of shame that crashed up hard against him. He did not want to be pulled into the overwhelming sea of guilt, engulfed in it as it threatened to overpower him, and he fought hard against it.

I have done everything I can.Grimacing, he slammed the brandy glass down hard on the table.But there is always the feeling that I should do more – even if I do not know what such a thing should be.

Sighing heavily, Patrick rubbed one hand over his eyes. He would have to inform the staff that another guest was to join them for the house party which, no doubt, would cause something of an upset, but that could not be helped. His frown grew. He should also inform Miss Trean about the house party for he could not be certain that any of the staff had told her. Henry would have to be kept out of the way of the guests as much as possible although he did not want to restrict him entirely to the schoolroom. The thought of watching Miss Trean and Henry walking across the garden grounds pushed the frown away from his forehead and instead, made him smile. He would speak to Miss Trean as soon as was possible in the hope that, after their conversation, his smile would linger for a little longer than it did at present.

Chapter Six

Albina rested her head back against the rocking chair and closed her eyes. Henry was wrapped in her arms, and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Having always had the leisure of rising whenever she wished, she now found herself so very fatigued that it was almost impossible not to fall asleep whenever Henry did. Pushing her toes off the floor, Albina let the chair rock gently backward and forward as she cradled the child, feeling his head lolling on her shoulder.

A small smile crept across her lips as she let out a soft sigh. Henry had done so well with his letters these last two days but after their luncheon and their walk in the grounds, he was beginning to complain of weariness. So yesterday, Albina had simply offered to hold him tight while she rocked the chair for a short while – and both today and yesterday, Henry had been asleep in a matter of minutes.

Albina did not mind. She herself could do with a little additional rest. Having heard yet more scuffling sounds yesterday evening and even being woken by them during the night, Albina was weary. Her life here was very different to that of being Lady Albina, daughter of an Earl, but despite the rats, despite her altered situation, there were many things she had become grateful for – and one of them was Henry. Her eyes drifted closed and with the smile lingering on her lips, Albina fell asleep.

“Miss Trean?”

Waking with a start, Albina saw the concerned face of Miss Fullerton looking back at her. A little embarrassed, she shifted slightly in her chair, still holding Henry tight.

“Yes? Miss Fullerton, is it not?”

The young lady smiled.

“It is. I am companion to Lady Havisham.”

Albina nodded, making sure to speak quietly.

“I remember.”

“Lord Addenbrook begged me to come in search of you. It seems he wishes to speak to you.”

Albina closed her eyes and tried to hide her frustration.

“I see.”

“He thought to send a maid, but I offered to come to find you instead. I understand that there is no urgency to his request, but he has asked you to join him in the drawing-room when your duties with Henry come to an end for the day. After dinner has been served.”

Albina tried to smile, but butterflies poured into her stomach, sending her heart to slam hard against her chest.

“Of course.”

Miss Fullerton nodded and made to take a step back, only to smile down at Henry.

“He is peaceful with you.”

“He is heavy!” Albina murmured, making Miss Fullerton laugh softly. “But yes, I shall not move until he awakens which will not be too long from now, I am sure.”

Miss Fullerton’s smile lingered.

“There was a time when I was destined to be a governess, but I took a position as companion instead. Sometimes I do wonder if I made the correct choice.”

Albina returned the lady’s smile.

“I think we must do what we can out of whatever situation presents itself to us.”

The young lady sighed audibly, her shoulders dropping.