
Her voice was a breathless whisper, her heart pounding furiously against her chest.

“And this is where you hide!”

In an instant, Albina realized she had made a dreadful mistake. This was not Mr. Dutton. Lord Kingston had come in search of her, it seemed and, in revealing herself, she had practically offered herself up on a plate.

“Lord Addenbrook might not wish to take hold of you but I, Miss Trean, am not a man who will allow such beauty to pass me by. I have not seen your face fully, I confess, but your figure is quite unmistakable.” He laughed and Albina began to back away, her mind searching for something – anything she could do – that would allow her an escape. If she went into her bedchamber, he could easily push open the door for her strength would be no match for him and she did not have a key. “Come, Miss Trean! You will not refuse me, I hope?”

The slight slurring to his words made Albina realize that Lord Kingston was in his cups. With her heart screaming at her to run, to escape, Albina turned and bolted for the stairs.

Lord Kingston’s footsteps clattered behind her.

“Miss Trean!” His voice was hard now, reaching out towards her as her hand found the rail of the staircase. “Do not run. I only wish to talk with you.”

She was at the staircase. Having no idea what the guests were doing at present nor where they might be, Albina made for the only safe place that she could think of.

Lord Addenbrook’s study.

Lord Kingston’s footsteps were behind her but when she glanced back, Albina was relieved to see him staggering slightly, held back by the effects of the brandy or whisky he had imbibed earlier. She had the advantage. All she had to do was reach Lord Addenbrook’s study and lock the door behind her.

It was there. She could see it. Hurrying towards it, she had one hand on the doorknob, when her arm was caught and yanked backwards.

“Miss Trean!”

Lord Kingston’s voice was filled with anger, his fingers clamping down hard on her arm. Albina kept her head turned away and let out a scream as he tried to yank her back towards him. She could not allow him to see her face. Even though there were only a few candles in the hallway, Albina was sure it would be enough light for him to recognize her. But if she did not get away, then all would be lost.

Lord Kingston could take advantage of her and then she would have no choice but to marry him.

“Unhand me!”

Trying to pull her arm free, Albina twisted one way and then the next, turning this way and that in an attempt to remove Lord Kingston’s hand from her arm. She heard his growl of frustration, felt his other hand brushing her shoulder and fear kicked into her stomach all the harder. With an exclamation of fear, she flung herself backward and slammed herself deliberately into Lord Kingston. The shock was enough to have him drop his hand, his breath wheezing out of him and allowing her just enough time to tug herself free of him. The sound of stitches tearing only added to her fright, her fingers slipping on the doorknob as she prayed silently that Lord Addenbrook had not locked it.

Mercifully, it opened, and Albina stepped inside, slamming it shut behind her. Lord Kingston slammed his hands hard against it, but Albina had already turned the key. She was shaking furiously, her hand going to her arm where Lord Kingston had grabbed it. Her gown was ripped and torn, cool air brushing at her exposed skin. Shuddering, Albina slipped to the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. Even if Lord Kingston continued to pound furiously on the door, continued to shout and demand that she open it for him, Albina was certain that, for the moment at least, she was quite safe. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Lord Addenbrook, her eyes screwed up tight as she rested her head on her knees.

Please find me soon.

* * *

“Whatever is the meaning of this?”

“Your little governess attacked me!”

Albina swallowed hard, aware that she was still shaking dreadfully. She did not know how long she had been hiding in here, waiting for Lord Addenbrook to return, but it had felt like an age. Weary and riddled with shock, she found it difficult to lift her head.

“She attacked you?” Lord Addenbrook did not sound as though he believed Lord Kingston. “And why would she do such a thing?”

There came a garbled sound from Lord Kingston and Albina dropped her head back onto her knees. Evidently, Lord Kingston had been unable to come up with a reasonable explanation.

“And you have been standing here, thumping furiously at my door in the hope that she will hear you and allow you entry? Or is that she has shut this door upon you, and you have been doing all you can to force yourself inside?” There was a hint of double meaning in his words and Albina shuddered, revulsion writhing within her. “Prepare your things, Lord Kingston. You are no longer welcome in my home.”

Albina blinked, astonishment rippling through her. Lord Addenbrook was sending Lord Kingston away? No doubt he would tell everyone he could think of what had happened and would make certain to blame Lord Addenbrook. He could make certain that Lord Addenbrook was thought of very unfavorably by society and Albina was quite certain that this was precisely what Lord Kingston would do.

“Miss Trean?”

Somehow, Albina managed to push herself to her feet. With legs that did not seem to have enough strength to hold her upright, she walked to the door and unlocked it.

Lord Addenbrook was beside in her an instant. His hands went to her arms, and she shivered, his fingers on her bare skin where her gown had ripped. When she looked up into his face, his eyes were blazing with anger.