Shaking her head to herself at just how ridiculous a thought that had been, Albina called to Henry and together they began to make their way up to the house. Smiling, she ruffled Henry’s hair gently. If she told Lord Addenbrook the truth, then she would lose everything. Her position here would be gone. Lord Addenbrook would no longer be able to trust her and could easily send her away. And what would she then return to? Her father’s estate where, no doubt, he would seek to push her into matrimony with Lord Kingston who, evidently, was still eager to marry her. Albina scowled. No doubt Lord Kingston wished to marry her to give himself the appearance of a respectable gentleman whilst using their marriage to hide his weaknesses and selfish endeavors from theton. Besides which, Albina knew all too well that she had a most excessive dowry. Perhaps Lord Kingston was in need of a great deal of coin, but she was not about to allow herself to be used that way.

“You will not tell my uncle, Miss Trean?”

Albina blinked, taking a moment to realize what Henry was saying.

“I will not tell your uncle about your father coming to see you?” she asked, as Henry nodded. “Why? Has your father asked that your uncle not know?”

Henry nodded.

“It is all a very great secret, but I forgot that I was not to tell you.” Again, his chin began to wobble. “He will be upset with me.”

Taking in a deep breath, Albina bent down, her skirts billowing outwards.

“My dear Henry, you must not be afraid.” She did not make any promise not to tell Lord Addenbrook but attempted to reassure the child regardless. “I will do what is best for you. I care about you a great deal, so you need not worry any longer.”

Henry’s chin continued to wobble but he nodded, turned, and then took her hand.

“May I have sausages and eggs for breakfast?”

Albina laughed.

“You have already had breakfast!” she exclaimed, before following him into the house.

* * *

Albina smiled softlyand ran her hand lightly through Henry’s soft hair.

“It is time for you to sleep now.”

Henry frowned, shifting slightly as he lay in his bed.

“But you must go, Miss Trean.”


“My father will not come if you stay here.”

Albina hesitated, then leaned forward to kiss Henry lightly on the cheek.

“Very well.”

It was as if the child had known that her intention had been to remain in the nursery to see whether or not James Dutton would appear. She had not spoken to anyone else about what the child had said, but Albina was beginning to believe that it was all quite true. However, the only way she would be able to prove it, and certainly the only way that would allow her to speak to Lord Addenbrook about what Henry had said, was if she found out for herself whether or not James Dutton was present in the house. After the news Lord Addenbrook had received yesterday about the messenger sent from London, Albina did not want to burden him with something more which could then easily turn out to be nothing more than a small child’s imaginings. Leaving the room, she closed the door gently and then stood by it, thinking hard. She could wait somewhere nearby in the hope that James Dutton would appear, or she could retire to her room as she usually did – and as he would expect – before stepping out in search of him every few minutes.

Choosing the latter, Albina made her way into her bedchamber and shut the door. Rather than begin to sort out her things or make preparation for Henry’s schoolwork as she usually did, Albina simply made her way to her bed and sat down. The bed creaked loudly but she did not mind. It would simply be an indication to Mr. Dutton – if hewaspresent – that she was safely in her bedchamber.

Within a few minutes, she heard the familiar scuffling of the rats. Grimacing, she lifted her feet up onto the bed, her single, meager candle flickering on the small dressing table near to her bed. Closing her eyes, Albina drew in a steadying breath, imagining what would occur should she find James Dutton present in Henry’s bedchamber. She did not think that he would harm her, certainly, but there would have to be some discussion.

Am I mad?Her eyes flew open.Is this something I ought to be seeking out alone? What if there is a nefarious purpose behind his disappearance?Tightness balled in her throat.Perhaps this is unwise.

She lifted her chin. No, shehadto know for certain whether or not James Dutton was truly visiting his son each evening before she spoke to Lord Addenbrook. She could only pray that Mr. Dutton would not be angry with her and that there would be no painful consequences to her prying.

Another scuffling sound and Albina shivered furiously, tucking her feet under her skirts. It would soon be time for her to make her way into the corridor in search of this mysterious Mr. Dutton and she would have to brave the rats and the mice that were, no doubt, now scurrying around all over the floor. The thought of them brushing against her ankles lodged a silent scream in her throat but, nevertheless, Albina gathered her courage and set her feet down.

Something creaked and Albina caught her breath. If she had not been listening for it, Albina was certain she would have simply ignored such a small sound but for her now, it was very significant indeed. Holding her breath, Albina listened hard – and heard it again.

Someone is outside.

Albina moved quickly. Hurrying across the floor, she pulled open the door and stepped out into the hallway – just as a figure turned towards her.