“Good gracious.” Miss Trean’s exclamation echoed all that Patrick felt. “So that is to say that–”

“That someone does not wish this message to reach me,” Patrick muttered, darkly. “And that they will do anything to make certain I do not receive it.”

Chapter Twelve

“My father will come to wish me good night, I am sure of it.”

The ache that came into Albina’s heart whenever Henry spoke of his absent father grew with such force that it took her a moment to respond. She could not imagine what it must be like for such a small child to have lost first his mother and now, his father.

“You have a very strong hope, Henry. That is a good thing.”

She smiled as the small boy sat down on the rug beside her, the sunshine sending shades of red through his otherwise brown hair.

“It is not hope, Miss Trean. I know he will come.”

Albina tilted her head, studying him. The boy was smiling to himself, as if he held some great secret in his heart that she was not yet able to share.

“And then, when he does come, what shall he do?”

Perhaps it is best for him if I simply pretend along with him. That will be better than telling him the truth outright.

“Well.” Henry grinned up at her, his eyes alive with light and hope. “He will stand at the door and whisper, but I shall tell him that no one else is in my bedchamber but me! And then he will come in and sit down at the edge of my bed and I will tell him everything that I have done and that I have been learning my letters. And then he will smile and tell me that he thinks I am the most marvelous boy, and he will give me a kiss and promise to come again tomorrow.”

What an extraordinary imagination.

“That sounds quite lovely.”

“Oh, but I am not meant to tell you.” His smile flickered and gave way to a frown. “I forgot that I am not supposed to tell you that he is coming.”

Albina blinked. Suddenly this no longer sounded like a faint hope that the child was clinging on to but rather instead, it appeared to be the truth. As though Henrywas, in fact, seeing his father.

That could not be so.

“Not supposed to tell me?”

“He will be cross with me if he finds out that I have told you.” Henry was looking up at her now with wide eyes, beginning to blink rapidly. “You will not tell anyone, Miss Trean?”

Not quite certain what to make of this, Albina ruffled Henry’s hair and gave him a warm smile.

“But of course, I shall not,” she promised, even though her mind whirred furiously in an attempt to understand what it was that Henry truly meant. “You need not be worried.”

The tears quickly faded from Henry’s eyes.

“Might I go to the pond again?”

“Only for a few minutes. The guests will be returning from their carriage ride very soon and we will need to go indoors.”

Pushing herself up to standing, Albina waited until Henry had removed himself from the rug before she began to roll it up. After the news from earlier this morning, Lord Addenbrook had been distracted and confused but she had been unable to offer any other advice. Lord Addenbrook had informed her that the guests were to take a short carriage ride through some of his estate and the surrounding areas which, he hoped, would allow him the opportunity to go to see this injured fellow at the inn. Albina hoped that he would be able to garner something of importance from him, for the situation was all very odd.

She bit her lip. There was a great relief in her heart that come tomorrow, it would be the final day of the house party. There was to be a grand Ball in the evening and the following morning, the guests would take their leave and be gone from the house. Then she and Henry might resume their lives as they had been before. Albina smiled to herself, looking out at the small boy as he threw some stones into the pond. She had come to care for Henry very much indeed and whilst her situation was difficult at times, Albina was grateful for her time with him.

And with the Marquess.

Closing her eyes, Albina let out a small sigh, her shoulders dropping.

“I am being ridiculous,” she murmured to herself, opening her eyes again. She should not be feeling anything at all for the Marquess, but her heart did not want to let him go. The way he had pulled her into his arms had brought such a rush of feeling that she had silently begged for him to kiss her and had been disappointed when he had not. But then sense had taken hold and she had stepped back, reminding herself inwardly that she was a governess and nothing more. Albina bit her lip. The trust she had in Lord Addenbrook was firm and secure. She believed that he would never take advantage of her and, even in their embrace, had proven such a thing by refusing to drop his lips to hers. She had seen the confusion and the struggle in his expression, his eyes slightly narrowed, his brows low and his eyes searching hers. And she had almost told him the truth.

“For if I told him I was Lady Albina then there would be no cause for him to pull back from me.”