But instead, she nodded, stepped to one side, and waited for him to walk to the door so that they might walk out of the study together.

Chapter Eleven

“You appear fatigued this morning, old boy.” Patrick grimaced as Lord Hogarth clapped him hard on the back. “Is there a particular reason for your fatigue?”

Lord Hogarth’s eyebrow lifted high, but Patrick immediately shook his head.

“If you are suggesting that I had a dalliance last evening then you are quite mistaken.”

Seeing his friend’s shoulders drop and his smile fade made Patrick wince inwardly. Was this all that Lord Hogarth cared about? Was this whathehad once held up as important? The realization of that made him want to drop his head into his hands in shame, for it was as if someone was holding up a mirror to what he was truly like and he did not like the reflection staring back at him.

Ever since Miss Trean arrived, I have found myself changing.Patrick’s smile was grim.I cannot imagine that she must think particularly highly of me.

Why that mattered to him when she was only a governess and he a Marquess, Patrick could not say, but for whatever reason, what Miss Trean thought of him was of great importance. She had been the one to make him realize that he needed to speak and act more gently around Henry. She had been the one to encourage him as regarded his search for his brother. She had been the one who had invoked such a sense of urgency and protectiveness within him that he had found himself thinking of her very often indeed. And given the way he found himself speaking – albeit a little too openly at times – she had seen more of his heart and heard more of his troubles than any other. There was something quite remarkable about the lady, and Patrick had to admit that he admired her.

And there is more to your admiration than just a grudging respect.

A flush hit his cheeks and he turned away from his friend, not wanting Lord Hogarth to see the color in his face. Miss Trean was quite lovely and there had come within him last evening such an urge to wrap her in his arms that it had taken a great deal of effort to turn away from her. He was not the sort of gentleman to take advantage of his staff and that included Miss Trean, no matter how much he found himself eager to grow close to her.

Get hold of yourself. She is your nephew’s governess!

Patrick nodded to himself and picked up a piece of toast to set it on his plate. Given just how much Henry adored Miss Trean, Patrick could never do anything to ruin the situation here at the house. His nephew had been through quite enough already. A glimmer of a smile brushed across his lips as he recalled how Henry had taken his hand, his eyes trusting as he had looked up into Patrick’s face. That had meant a great deal to Patrick and again, he had found himself grateful to Miss Trean for her part in it all.

“You have not listened to a single word I have said these last few minutes!”

Patrick looked up.

“I beg your pardon?”

Lord Hogarth blew out a frustrated breath.

“I said, you have not been paying even the least bit of attention to me, is that not so? Your mind is elsewhere!”

Shrugging, Patrick picked up his plate and took it to the dining table. At the moment, it was only himself and Lord Hogarth present and Patrick presumed it would be some time before the other guests rose from their slumber, given the lateness of the hour that they had all retired.

“It is.”

“And what – or who – is it lingering on?”

Having no wish to discuss Miss Trean with his friend, Patrick sat back in his chair.

“My brother, of course.”

The glint faded from Lord Hogarth’s eyes.

“Oh. I see.” The smile that had been ready and waiting now retreated back into the shadows. “I quite understand. Is there any news?”

Patrick shook his head.

“No, there is none.”

“I recall that you said you intended to write to your brother’s man of business.”

“I have had no reply as yet,” Patrick responded, reaching to pour some coffee into two china cups. “I am hopeful that I will receive a response soon, however.”

Lord Hogarth frowned.
