“That is true indeed.”

Albina opened her mouth to ask her something more, only for Henry to shift gently, his mouth opening and closing as if he intended to speak but had not managed to do so.

“Do excuse me.”

Miss Fullerton made her way to the door, leaving Albina and Henry to themselves. Albina sighed and rested her head back again although she did not close her eyes. That was one of the few times that anyone had spoken to her with any sort of kindness. She did not eat her meals with the servants but took them in the schoolroom, for her societal status was higher than theirs and Albina knew from Mrs. Stanley that she would not be welcomed. Nor was she welcomed to dine with the master and his guests, for her position as Miss Trean had pushed her a little lower in society.

Silently, Albina wondered what it must be like for someone to live as a companion. Was her life at present much the same as Miss Fullerton? Did Miss Fullerton struggle with the quiet silence that so often wrapped itself around Albina’s shoulders? The loneliness had become a part of her, for her life as a governess was something of a solitary existence, but Albina considered that she was, in fact, a little used to such a way of living. When at home, her mother had always been occupied with some matter or resting when she felt fatigued, whilst her father had been kept busy with estate matters.At least there I had a great many things to distract me.Henry shifted in his sleep and Albina smiled to herself.Although Henry is the greatest distraction here, certainly!Biting her lip, Albina wondered if she would have the boldness to ask Lord Addenbrook if she could have a book from his library. Without anything to read aside from Henry’s schoolbooks, she was a trifle bereft of amusements.

Why does he wish to see me?

The question did not have any obvious nor easy answer and Albina tried to tell herself that she need not worry about anything. After what Lord Addenbrook had told her about his brother, surely he would not be eager to remove her from her position and send her away? Albina now considered that she was a little more secure here and that Lord Addenbrook mayhap trusted Henry in her care without reserve – but then again, she did not know the gentleman very well at all. Her teeth worried her lip as she thought, her eyes roving around the room.

“Are you sad, Miss Trean?”

Henry’s sleepy voice made Albina glance down at him quickly, seeing the way his hazel eyes searched hers.

“I am not sad, no.” When he sat up, she brushed his damp hair back from his forehead. “Did you have a bad dream?”

Henry shook his head but did not smile.

“My father was sad.”

Every part of Albina’s frame tensed but she did not grasp Henry’s hand hard nor demand that he tell her everything at once. Instead, she simply smiled softly, tilted her head, and looked back at him.

“Is that so? What was he sad about?”

“He did not have enough coin.”

Albina blinked but again, forced herself not to react with any sort of fervor for fear that it would push Henry away from her.


“I do not know why.”

“Then how do you know that he did not have enough coin? Was there something that he said to you?”

Albina kept her voice gentle, but Henry frowned and pushed himself off her knee.

“He did not say anything to me. I should not have listened, but I did.”

“You listened to him talking to someone else?”

Henry nodded, his mouth a little pursed and his head lowered as if he was ashamed.

“You are right that you should not have listened. But what was it that you heard your father say? Just that he did not have the coin that was needed?”

The small boy mumbled something, and Albina reached out one gentle finger to tilt up his chin. When his eyes finally met hers, she saw that there were tears glistening there, and her heart squeezed with pain for him.


He nodded.

“Do you know who he spoke to?”

Shaking his head, Henry rubbed at his nose with one hand.

“I don’t remember.”