Page 42 of Tamed

“I’m concerned.”


Tyler smacked his lips together and glanced off to his left. He acted as if he tasted each word before he said it. “He’s a bit rough for you.”

She had no idea what that meant. Wasn’t sure she wanted to know. “My feelings for Shane are personal.”

“But you do have feelings for him?”

She didn’t see a reason to lie. Even Shane knew about this at some level. “Yes.”

Tyler shook his head, then did it again. Didn’t say anything for a few seconds.

She touched her hand to his arm. “I appreciate that you worry about me.”

“Of course I do.”

Just what she needed, another man in her life who wanted to tuck her away in a closet to keep her safe. Maybe a week ago she would have been grateful. Now the overabundance of caution insulted her a little. She’d faced tragedy and death over the past few days and hadn’t folded. She was stronger than any of them knew. Stronger than she’d ever known.

Only Shane seemed to get it. He didn’t try to pack her away or send her to Holt. He kept her by his side and claimed to understand she needed space, but she also needed to see her decision about working on the website through to the end.

“Shane and I...” She fought to find the right words. “We get each other. He’ll keep you safe.”

Tyler slid a hand over hers. “I can keep me and you safe.”

The vibe changed and her comfort level dropped. She’d worked side by side with this man for a year. They shared information and jokes, talked via text and on the computer. They spent far less time together because of her full-time work schedule, but they had shared meals.

To her it all related to business and a friendship. Now she wondered if Shane was right and if, for Tyler, all those times together amounted to something more.

Guilt knocked into her. A different kind, personal and twisting. She’d never meant to lead him on. Shane had her heart, even if he hadn’t shown any signs until recently of even wanting it.

She slipped her hand out from under his and dropped her arms to her sides. “I’m good with Shane.”

“You should—”

“Are you ready to go?” Shane stalked up the walkway toward them and the front door. “It’s not a great idea to be standing out here in the open after the days you’ve had.”

Such a subtle guy. She’d bet he’d been listening to every word. His skills appeared to be endless. Superhearing could easily be one of them.

“We were talking about work.” She lied only to save Tyler from any embarrassment. Maybe men didn’t work that way, but she didn’t want to test the issue.

Shane smiled as he walked up the steps to join them. “I figured.”

“We have some work we need to get done,” Tyler said. “You could come back or I could drop her off at—”

“No,” Shane answered right before she could give the same response.

Tyler’s sudden possessiveness creeped her out. She suspected the feelings were new and innocent, but something about his energy felt off. After all those lunches together, she didn’t want to be alone with him, and they certainly didn’t have work. If he expected to spend a few hours berating Shane, Tyler had the wrong audience.

“I think Makena should get to make that decision.” Tyler crossed his arms in front of him, looking far more confident in his position than he should have.

“Right. Good point.” Shane turned to her, the amusement obvious in the way his mouth inched up at the edges. “Makena, you pick which one of us you want to be with.”

Talk about a loaded comment. Not that her answer was in question. This, their relationship, only played out one way. She loved Shane. He was her forever. If he didn’t figure that out soon, she’d have to move on and settle for less than she wanted. The idea of that happening hollowed out her stomach, leaving her raw and twitchy.

Her gaze zipped between the two men in front of her. One with the ego she didn’t want to bruise and the other who needed to stop taking her for granted. Not that there was really any contest. “I’m leaving with Shane.”

Tyler shook his head. “But we need—”

“You heard her.” Shane winked at her. “Ready to go?”

For a second she wished she could love someone else. Someone easier. “We’ll let you know what we hear about the park and anything we uncover.”

Makena didn’t look at Tyler again as she walked with Shane. They’d parked a short distance away just to be safe and the silence made the walk back feel even longer. She waited until Shane stood beside her near the front of the car to whisper, “You don’t have to be a jerk to Tyler.”