Page 36 of Tamed

She made good points, but this could explode. In addition to that, Shane didn’t want her anywhere near Jeff or any other guy associated with the website. “Go back to the picnic area and—”

“We should turn him over to the police,” she said as she moved away from Jeff to stand by Shane’s side. “End this once and for all so I can get back to work and he can get the punishment he deserves.”

“Woman, you just never stop.” Jeff’s hatred came out in the harshness of his voice and how he almost spit out the words.

“Do not talk to her.” Shane shoved against the other guy’s shoulder. “Ever.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I got a call to come to the park.” Jeff sneaked another peek in the direction of the police. “I didn’t ask for any of this.”

The police parked on the far side of the lot, and the doors started banging as they got out of their vehicles. Shane started a mental countdown in his head. He couldn’t be seen waving a gun around or he’d become a suspect.

He needed Connor to step in and get the place secured. He also wanted Jeff hauled away but knew that wasn’t going to happen. The police might question him, but he should be able to squirm out of that cross-examination.

“We’re supposed to believe you?” she asked.

“I don’t care what you believe.” Jeff tried to take a step toward her.

“Enough.” Shane slammed the guy back against the car again. “Explain without the drama and bullying.”

“Look at my phone.” The guy looked in the general direction of his front pants pocket. “I got a text. Probably from her. This smells like a setup.”

“You should continue to not talk unless I ask you a direct question.” Shane slipped the cell out, scrolled through the messages until Jeff tried to grab the phone back, then concentrated on the texts.

The message was there from an unknown number. No name or identifying information. A simple statement and no reply from Jeff.

But that didn’t make it authentic. Things could be faked. Alibis built on nothing.

“The message sounded cryptic, so I came.” His gaze shot to Makena. “Just like you wanted me to. This was your plan, right? It all makes sense now.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re forgetting that I was the one who was shot at ten minutes ago.”

“And I’m sure you intend to blame that on me, too.”

“No more talking.” Shane’s head might explode if this kept up for much longer. Every word Jeff uttered inched him closer to a punch in the face. “For the record, you lied about your military service. Be a man and own that.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jeff’s denial stayed strong, but some of the heat had left his voice.

“You’re still denying?” Makena sounded stunned at the idea.

The idea didn’t make much sense to Shane, either. He’d seen the evidence that Jeff had lied. No question about it. But getting him to grow up and take responsibility was not going to happen.

“I tried.” Shane stepped back and gestured for Jeff to leave.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Makena grabbed Shane’s arm.

“Letting him go.” They needed evidence and they all had to get through the newest round of questioning headed their way. Once, maybe twice, Makena could sell the idea of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Much more of this and the police’s focus would shift to her. Shane needed to postpone that—hopefully avoid it, if possible. This case belonged to the Corcoran Team and it needed to stay there.

Jeff rubbed a hand over his neck. “I’m innocent.”

“You’re not, but if I find out you just shot at us, you will be dead.” Shane put his gun away and made a mental note to check the parking lot for the shooter’s gun since Jeff didn’t have one on him. “Got that?”

“You don’t scare me.”

Maybe the guy wasn’t as smart as Shane thought. “I should.”

* * *

MAKENA HAD NO IDEA how she made it through the next hour. All those police questions. The sapping of her strength when she saw Jeff leave the lot. He’d been there, in the middle of her life...again. She didn’t believe his phone or his story. She’d wanted to spill it all to the police and let them take him in, but Shane had said no. Then Connor arrived and backed up Shane.

She’d had just about enough of the Corcoran Team for one day.

After Shane did his usual search of the safe house before entering, she stepped through the doorway and kept going. She wasn’t in the mood for mindless chitchat. She wanted a hot shower. Anything to wipe away the memory of the morning. Anything for a few minutes of quiet when no one tried to kill her. Seemed simple enough to her.