Page 23 of Tamed

Frank? Sounded like someone Makena had forgotten to mention. Another thing Shane planned to talk to her about later. “Who is Frank?”

She twisted the lid on and off her water bottle. “Frank Jay.”

That triggered a memory, but Shane couldn’t place it. “Why do I recognize the name?”

She didn’t give him eye contact. Not while she picked at the label and otherwise attacked the poor water bottle from every direction. “He’s on the site.”

Shane grabbed the bottle out of her hands and set it on the table. “He’s one of guys you exposed?”

Now he had her attention. She wore a wait-until-we-get-home scowl. “Yes, but he’s redeemed.”

Forget Jeff and Tyler. Shane’s attention zoomed right to this newest information. They’d uncovered the truth about someone...then made friends with him? The shift didn’t make any sense. “I doubt that.”

“I’ve been skeptical, too, but he’s done good work for us.” When Makena finished her water, Tyler passed her his and kept right on talking. “Came clean and is making amends.”

“That makes your website sound like a twelve-step program.” Shane said the first thing to pop into his head. It was either that or smash water bottles together. Tyler and Makena looked comfortable at the table. There was a quiet intimacy between them, as if they spent a lot of time together.

One more thing Shane hated.

“I think that’s where he learned about amends.” Tyler’s eyebrow lifted as he talked. “I can put a list of other possibles together for you.”

“Clearly this leads back to the site.” Makena reached for Tyler’s water bottle, then stopped. “The attacks on me. The break-in here.”

Shane slid his bottle over to her while he talked to Tyler. Didn’t even try to be subtle about the choice he offered her. “Who else knows about your connection to the site and where you live?”

“No one except Makena,” Tyler said.

She froze. “Wait a minute.”

“No, I’m saying the list of people should be really short.” He turned the tablet back around and started typing.

“Maybe someone followed me here last week?” She looked at Shane as she grabbed his bottle and took a sip.

“Possible.” He tried to ignore the satisfaction surging through him and the quick glance Tyler took in her direction as she drank. “But why go after the two of you now?”

Tyler shrugged. “Someone finally put the pieces together and traced the site back to me. Then used Makena.”

Not good enough. It all seemed too coincidental for Shane’s taste. All the big security measures failing at one time? Unlikely. This was about something bigger led by someone with access to money and resources. Hiring criminals wasn’t impossible, but the ones who’d attacked Makena had had skills. That took some knowledge.

“What happens now?” Shane knew how he intended to proceed with Makena’s protection, but Tyler was the wild card. He could go somewhere or do something that unraveled everything.

Tyler glanced up from whatever he was doing on the tablet. “With what?”

Seemed obvious to Shane, but he spelled it out anyway. “Your address is known. Do you shut down the site and—”

“No.” Anger seeped into the other man’s voice for the first time since he’d lowered the gun. “I have other places to go.”

And an unlimited supply of money, apparently. “Where?”

When Shane had Connor and the team check into Tyler, his finances would be on the list. A nice house in a good neighborhood, no full-time job other than the website, according to Makena, and now a safe house somewhere. Those kinds of preparations cost money. Connor had payments from their missions to set up what they needed. Big checks from big companies. Shane doubted Tyler had that sort of access to money.

Tyler smiled. “You’ll understand why I’m not sharing that information.”

Either this guy thought he was a Rambo type or he really was. Neither option made Shane feel any better about him. “We’ll need a way to contact you.”

“I’ll give it to you. But that means the only people who know will be you. If something else happens...” Tyler stopped and cleared his throat. Even shrugged. There was nothing subtle about any of the gestures.

Makena’s eyes narrowed. “What?”

But Shane got the point. Hard not to. “You think I’m behind this?”

“I don’t know you,” Tyler said.

“Funny, but I was thinking the same thing about you.” But Shane would. Within twenty-four hours he’d know everything about Tyler Cowls, and then they’d talk again.