Dare to Love a Marquess

Healing the Earl

A Lady’s Brave Heart

Ladies on their Own: Governesses and Companions

More Than a Companion

The Hidden Governess

The Companion and the Earl

More than a Governess

Protected by the Companion

A Wager with a Viscount

Lost Fortune, Found Love

A Viscount’s Stolen Fortune

Christmas Stories

Love and Christmas Wishes: Three Regency Romance Novellas

A Family for Christmas

Mistletoe Magic: A Regency Romance

Heart, Homes & Holidays: A Sweet Romance Anthology

Happy Reading!

All my love,


A Sneak Peak of More than a Companion

Honora is in London for the Season but only as a companion for her selfish aunt. She finds it difficult to hide her true opinion despite her lowly status. Lord Crampton finds her irritating, yet when trouble comes, Honora is the one by his side. Can he put aside his pride and see her as more than a companion?


“Did you hear me, Honora?”

Miss Honora Gregory lifted her head at once, knowing that her father did not refer to her as ‘Honora’ very often and that he only did so when he was either irritated or angry with her.

“I do apologize, father, I was lost in my book,” Honora replied, choosing to be truthful with her father rather than make excuses, despite the ire she feared would now follow. “Forgive my lack of consideration.”

This seemed to soften Lord Greene just a little, for his scowl faded and his lips were no longer taut.

“I shall only repeat myself the once,” her father said firmly, although there was no longer that hint of frustration in his voice. “There is very little money, Nora. I cannot give you a Season.”

All thought of her book fled from Honora’s mind as her eyes fixed to her father’s, her chest suddenly tight. She had known that her father was struggling financially, although she had never been permitted to be aware of the details. But not to have a Season was deeply upsetting, and Honora had to immediately fight back hot tears which sprang into her eyes. There had always been a little hope in her heart, had always been a flicker of expectation that, despite knowing her father’s situation, he might still be able to take her to London.”

“Your aunt, however, is eager to go to London,” Lord Greene continued, as Honora pressed one hand to her stomach in an attempt to soothe the sudden rolling and writhing which had captured her. He waved a hand dismissively, his expression twisting. “I do not know the reasons for it, given that she is widowed and, despite that, happily settled, but it seems she is determined to have some time in London this summer. Therefore, whilst you are not to have a Season of your own – you will not be presented or the like – you will go with your aunt to London.”