Lady Florence did not laugh but instead turned to look up at Alice.

“You may laugh in an attempt to convince me that you are quite plain and are never to be looked upon by a single gentleman, but you ought not to believe that. Your smile turns your eyes to silver and your hair is as dark as a raven’s wing. You have a beauty that is all your own.”

Then why is it that I have never so much as had a single gentleman pay the smallest amount of attention to me?

“You are very sweet, my dear friend. And it is kind of you to be so encouraging. Mayhap it shall be that you are proven correct.” In truth, Alice had very little idea of what she would do if she were not able to soon find a suitor. It was only the start of the Season, but it would go quickly, and she might find herself at the end of it in the same position that she stood in at present. Throwing off such depressing thoughts, she drew in a deep breath, finding her attention caught.

“Look, there is Lord Foster now.” Alice did not point to him but followed him with her eyes as he walked across the room. “Perhaps we should speak to him this afternoon.”

“I suppose I must.”

Lady Florence lifted her chin and sighed heavily, as though speaking to her gentleman was a burden, something Alice still did not understand. From her point of view, Lord Foster was a very handsome gentleman with an excellent character. From what she remembered, his eyes were a very dark green, reminding her of the waves of grass at her father’s estate, when the sun was just beginning to dip towards dusk and casting shadows over the grounds. His dark hair and eyebrows added a little more shadow to his normally cheerful countenance although today, she noticed, it was a little lacking. His smile came and went at quick intervals, as though he were not truly as cheerful as he appeared. It did not surprise her that Lady Florence had no comment to make on this particular expression. Yet again, her friend seemed dulled and upset by the fact that she would soon be betrothed to Lord Foster.

Glancing toward Lady Florence, Alice was surprised to see that her eyes were not Lord Foster at all. Instead, she appeared to be considering another gentleman entirely. A note of surprise struck her heart. Could it be that her friend considered another gentleman to be a more suitable match than her suitor? That would not be altogether surprising, Alice considered, for Lady Florence had never been permitted to express an interest in any gentleman whatsoever. Her father had told her whom she was to accept.

If that is as things stand, then she will tell me of such a thing in her own time, I am sure.

“Look, he is coming to join us.”

It seemed that Lady Florence would not be able to put off her meeting with Lord Foster any longer, for he was now making his way to join them. Alice had not often had an opportunity for conversations with the gentleman, given that he had always been eager to spend time, or dance with, Lady Florence. Perhaps now, she considered, she ought to leave her friend to speak with the gentleman so that they might have a little more privacy. As if she had been able to read Alice’s thoughts, Lady Florence’s hand grasped her fingers tightly. The pressure on her hand was a little surprising, and Alice did her best not to jerk visibly.

“My dear Lady Florence.” Bowing low, Lord Foster reached out and took Lady Florence’s hand for a moment. “And Miss…”

He seemed to forget her name and a flush colored his cheeks.

“Miss Lawrence.”

Lord Foster nodded, as though that was the exact word he had been searching for.

“Yes, of course, Miss Lawrence. Good afternoon to you.” His green eyes did not linger on her for long but instead went directly to Lady Florence. “I hope you are well?”

“I am.” Lady Florence’s voice held very little warmth. “And you?”

At this, Lord Foster hesitated. His eyes went to the left and to the right, as though somehow, he would be able to find the answer there. Noting this, Alice glanced up at her friend. Was there something wrong? Or was Lord Foster hoping to ask the lady to marry him at this very moment whilst she herself looked on?

“You find me a little out of sorts, my dear lady.” Again, Lord Foster continued to speak directly to Lady Florence, without so much as looking in Alice’s direction. “It is nothing too severe, I hope, but I find myself a little disturbed. I shall, I believe, have to speak to your father.”

Alice’s eyes widened a little at Lord Foster’s words. Whatever the matter was, to speak of being disturbed did not put her in mind of betrothal. A glance towards her friend told her that Lady Florence was thinking the same thing, for her eyebrows were knotted together.

“I do hope there is nothing of grave concern?”

Lady Florence’s voice was a fraction higher.

Again, Lord Foster hesitated, and Alice’s eyebrows shot towards her hairline. Something, it seemed, was indeed the matter.

“I shall not speak of it to you at present, for I do not wish to upset you in any way.” Lord Foster tilted his head and smiled warmly, although it did not last for more than a brief moment. “Tell me, is your father present this afternoon? I shall make an arrangement to speak with him as soon as possible, if he is present.”

“He is not present.” Lady Florence’s fingers tightened on Alice’s. “However, I can speak to him when I return home and inform him that you have an urgent wish to meet with him?”

“I would be very appreciative of that. However, I came to speak with you. In the hope that any bad news would not have any bearing on our present situation. I am afraid I cannot go into further detail at this time, but I must beg of you, Lady Florence, that, whenever you hear of this particular news, you will not turn from me. It is a matter which will become clear in time. All will be returned to the position it once was. It is only a matter of time, and I must beg of you to give that to me.”

Alice blinked, all too aware that she ought to step away and allow Lord Foster to continue his conversation with Lady Florence in private. But she felt too much confusion to do so and, besides which, her friend still held her fingers tightly. Whatever this was, it sounded very serious indeed, and Alice found herself a little concerned for her friend. Lord Foster did not lift his eyes from Lady Florence, seeming to silently beg her to respond.

Alice squeezed Lady Florence’s hand, urging her to say something at the very least, rather than just stand there silently. This seemed to startle Lady Florence for she jumped visibly, looked directly towards Alice, and then back towards Lord Foster again.

“You find me at quite a loss, Lord Foster. I do not know what I ought to say, for I have no knowledge as to what this concern might be.”

“I quite understand.” Again came Lord Foster’s smile, but it did not touch his eyes. “You will know it soon enough. I dare not tell you here for fear of what your reaction might be. It will be a shock, Lady Florence, but I pray that once it has passed, you will have an understanding that this situation is not of my own doing. I pray that you will see a brightness in the future as I fight to regain what has been lost. I can only hope that you will be willing to wait.”