A flicker of a frown pulled at the man’s forehead.

“Is that so?” Even still, he did not move. “And yet, I must enter the room when I am called. It is my duty.”

Alice shook her head.

“No.” She was well aware of how ridiculous she sounded, given that she was so slight compared to this fellow, but her determination could match his. “I cannot allow you entry.”

A chuckle made her skin crawl.

“I am afraid you will be entirely unable to stop me.” The man’s voice had become a little harder. “I have no wish to injure you, for you have no place in this. But if I must, I will remove you by force.”

Alice trembled outwardly, but kept her eyes fixed on his. She was no match for his physical strength, but her determination was greater, she told herself.

“I shall do everything I can to prevent you. Perhaps it will be enough to hold you back for only a few short moments, but those moments will be enough to ensure that Lord Foster is quite safe.”

Her words were short and tight, building a fire of twisted anger which was swiftly followed by a cooling fear when the large man stepped closer. Alice knew that she had no chance of preventing him from entering the room, but she told herself that she did not need to do exactly that. All she needed to do was make certain that he was delayed in the hope that it would give Lord Foster the very best opportunity to make his escape.

The hum of voices from the room continued, and Alice realized that she had not followed the conversation for some minutes. Lord Montague was still laughing, but mocking Lord Foster and Lord Wiltsham. He had already admitted that he had taken Lord Foster’s fortune, but as yet he had offered no explanation as to how he was to return it.

“You are a fool, Foster.” Lord Montague’s laugh bit through Alice’s fear. “Do you think Lord Gillespie’s defiance was enough to stop me? Do you not realize that I have enough wealth and connections to order someone to do whatever I wish, no matter how dark or cruel it may appear?”

Alice caught her breath, her hand rising to her mouth as she forgot about the broad-shouldered man standing there. It now appeared that Lord Montague had paid someone to kill Lord Gillespie, all because the man had tried to bring the whole scheme to an end. Nausea rolled through her stomach, and she squeezed her eyes closed.

“There’s nothing in this brandy.” Lord Montague spat out one word after another. “Whatever you planned to do, you have failed spectacularly. Why do you not leave here and try to make the best of the situation? You shall have no sympathy from me.”

“You killed Lord Gillespie.”

“I did not do so personally.” Lord Montague’s voice was shrill. “I required his willingness – we all did – and he was no longer willing to give it. I believe he had every intention of telling you and your friends exactly what had happened, and I could not allow that. And nor do I regret ordering it.”

“You are wickedness itself.”

Lord Wiltsham spoke words that Alice could not help but agree with.

“And youshallreturn my fortune and this scheme of yours will come to an end,” Lord Foster added as the broad-shouldered man stepped forward. “I have made certain that you cannot refuse.”

Again came at Lord Montague’s harsh laugh and to Alice’s horror, she saw the broad-shouldered man with one hand outstretched towards the door. Terror coiled in her belly, but she used it to drive herself forward, pushing him back with both hands. The next second, however, she was lifted bodily off her feet and set to one side. The man growled at her as he returned to the door, and Alice only had a few moments to center herself again. She rushed at him again, her fears building, but the man put out one hand towards her. As she practically fell into it, he pushed her back with ease. Stumbling, she did not quite fall to the floor, but took some time to regain her balance, by which time the man had walked into the room.


With fear still pushing her every move, Alice found herself rushing into the room after the fellow. She had no idea what she was to do, grabbing wildly at him, but he swatted her back as though she were nothing more than a fly.

“Is this your plan?” Lord Montague threw out one hand towards Alice. “A young lady?” His laugh rang around the room, and Alice closed her eyes, taking in gasping breaths. “I’m afraid that I will not be turned aside from my intentions by a chit, of all things. David here will make sure that I can leave these premises without difficulty and, perhaps, Lord Foster, he will teach you a lesson so that you do not come near me again.”

Alice tried to say something, but all that came out was a choking sob as David approached Lord Foster. The gentleman did not shrink back, as though waiting for the blow which would rob him of his strength without fear. He held David’s gaze and Alice cried out, suddenly afraid that she would lose Lord Foster forever. Could a blow from this man’s hand do more than render a fellow unconscious?

“I do not think you understand me, Lord Montague.”

To Alice’s utter shock, David turned suddenly, standing next to Lord Foster as he folded his arms and looked towards Lord Montague instead. Lord Wiltsham was smiling, but Alice still did not understand.

“It seems that you have not been treating David particularly well, Montague.” Lord Foster lifted one eyebrow. “You have not paid his wages in three months and yet expect him to be at your call whenever you wish it! I do not think that particularly fair.”

“That is not true.” Lord Montague immediately began to stutter, his face a little pale. “It cannot be three months. I am sure that…”

David took two steps closer to Lord Montague and immediately the gentlemen’s excuses dried up, as Montague realized that the strength he had once used against others was now a threat to himself. It seemed that even he was afraid of what David might do.

“It has beenoverthree months.” David’s angry words rattled around the room. “Whenever I dared complain, you threatened my family. Mymother.”

“And,” Lord Foster continued, “you have withheld food on occasion, knowing that he has very little coin of his own. Did you expect such behavior to make David more amenable to you? I can assure you that your actions have just done the very opposite.” Strolling forward, he slapped one hand on the man’s shoulder. “David has told me everything. I am well aware of your schemes, andhewill be the one to accompany you to your solicitors, where you will return my fortune to me.”