“I want to make sure she has a connection I know,” he continues. “That way, if there’s an emergency, she can give you a call.”

I shake my head, not at his request but at his level of concern. He still thinks she’s a little kid who can’t take care of herself. I was out of the country for work and couldn’t get back in time for the funeral, but even though it’s been nearly five years since I’ve seen Devrie, I know she’s grown into a very capable woman. Not that I’ve checked up on her through social media or anything…

“I was wondering if you’d check in with her now and then. She’s starting to lose her patience with me, but I know she wouldn’t refuse to talk with you.”

Growing up, whenever I’d show up at Denny’s house looking for a place to crash, Devrie always had a big smile on her face when I walked in the door. She never batted an eye when she’d come downstairs in the morning and find me asleep on the couch or get mad when I used up the last of the hot water before she could take a shower.

“You’d be doing me a real solid, Alec. She’s so stubborn and insistent that she’s fine, but she doesn’t know what it can be like in the real world.”

This isn’t just protective older brother Denny talking right now. This is former cop Denny, having seen too much of the darker side of humanity. I may not be able to relate, but I understand his concern.

“I thought for sure she’d go back to our hometown and live close to mom after she finished college.”

“You’re forgetting she’s a grown woman,” I remind him.

The image of Devrie’s bright hazel eyes and long soft blonde hair flashes in my mind. Almost as quickly as I think of her, my mind pushes the thought away. I can’t think of her as anything other than Denny’s sister. She is more than off-limits to me. I owe so much to Denny and his family.

Denny’s parents took me in and treated me like a second son in high school. It was something I needed when my stepdad would go on his benders and kick me out of the house. I’d spend whole summers with them to avoid the troubles at home. And never once would they complain that they had to look out for me. The very least I could do is look out for Devrie in return.

I don’t want to think about what I’d be doing with my life or what could’ve become of me if it wasn’t for them. They’re the essential example of what a loving family should be like.

I lean my shoulder against the wall and tuck my hand in my pants suit pocket. “Are you asking me to spy on her?”

“No, not spy, just follow up. I don’t want anyone to take advantage of her. She’s innocent—an easy target.”

The memory of the kiss we shared so many years ago pops into my mind. She was innocent then too. Eighteen years old, and she admitted to me that she’d never been kissed. I couldn’t believe it when she told me. My first thought was that the boys in her class were fucking morons for not seeing her. She was beautiful then, and from the pictures I’ve seen of her, time has done nothing to diminish her beauty.

My intention at the time was nothing more than me wanting to make sure she had the best first kiss experience that she could. I offered myself up as a joke, thinking she would have turned me down with a roll of her eyes—but she didn’t. Imagining her first kiss with some drunk frat guy looking to get more than what she clearly wouldn’t have been ready to give made me even more determined to make it special to her.

Guilt begins to eat at me when I think about how I can still feel her soft lips pressing against mine. From time to time, something will make me think about that kiss on the roof. I’d been the first kiss of other girls, but there was something different about kissing Devrie. Even then, it felt like a promise or the possibility of something more.

I never told Denny about the kiss, and obviously, Devrie didn’t either because he’s still my best friend and hasn’t shown up to kick my ass.

But a part of me still thinks I should’ve told him. I hate that I’ve kept this secret between us. But there is no use in telling him now. He’s already pulling his hair out because she lives far away from their family. Telling him that I kissed her once will only guarantee to make him jump in his truck and come get her.

“You sure she won’t mind me butting into her new life in the city?”

“Of course not. She always loved having you around. I know she’ll be excited to hang out with you.”

I’m not sure excited is the right word for how Devrie will feel, but Denny has been known to exaggerate when he’s trying to sell me on something he wants me to do for him.

“I don’t know about that.” I chuckle.

“She sounded excited when I mentioned you and her catching up.”

This new development has my attention. He made it sound like she didn’t know that I was about to walk back into her life. If Devrie is interested and “excited” to meet up, then I guess it’s time to put Denny out of his misery.

“No worries. I’ll check in with her, take her out to dinner, and show her a few places around the city.” I wince, wondering if what I said sounds too much like I’m taking her on a date.

“Thanks, man.” Denny sighs in relief. “You’ve no idea how much you’re easing my mind right now. I’ll text you her number.”

We say our goodbyes before hanging up. It takes me a moment to think over what just happened. Am I going on an unofficial date with my best friend’s sister?



The rest of the week is pretty chaotic, but I promised to reach out to Devrie to see how she’s doing. So on Friday night, before the entire office makes a mad dash for the doors at five o’clock, I give her a call to see if she has any plans tonight.