Alec and Denny were both home from college, and Alec was staying with us. I was sitting in my usual spot on the roof, where I loved to go, where it was quiet to think. I found myself sitting out there a lot since graduation. So much was changing then, and it felt like so many of my classmates were moving forward, but somehow, I was standing still.

Sitting on the roof and staring up at the stars used to give me comfort, but my life was filled with so much uncertainty at that moment that even they couldn’t help me.

“What are you doing out here?” Alec asked, making me jump.

I turned and saw the top half of his body poking out of my bedroom window. “What are you doing in my room?”

“Your mom called to say that your parents won’t be home until later,” he said before pulling himself out of the window and sitting down next to me. “Scoot over.”

My heart fluttered, and I hoped the dark night sky hid the blush on my cheeks as he sat down next to me. He changed since he was away at school. His dark hair was longer, and I loved how he was always running his fingers through it to keep it out of his eyes.

“So, this is where you like to hide.”

“I’m not hiding,” I said, looking up at the stars. “I’m contemplating.”

“About what?”

“My life. What’s going to happen to me after summer is over.” Stop rambling. I always rambled when nervous—such a dead giveaway.

He stretched his legs out in front of him as he rested his palms on the roof to hold him up. Neither one of us said anything for a moment. I knew he was actually considering what I’d said and not brushing it off like Denny did when I’d mentioned it to him.

“A lot of things are about to change for you,” he finally said. “But that doesn’t mean change is a bad thing.”

I didn’t know if it was because we were sitting in the dark, but I didn’t feel as self-conscious about opening up with him.

“I hate that I’m the only one who seems to be freaking out about going off to college in the fall. Everyone I know is excited and counting down the days.”

“I’m going to let you in on a little secret.” Alec nudged my shoulder with his. “They are just better at hiding their panic than you.”


“Your friends are lying if they are saying they aren’t shitting themselves at the thought of being on their own.” He turned to look at me. “They all are.”

“Were you?”

“Nope.” He shrugged. “I’m the exception, not the rule.”

“And If I asked Denny, would he back you up on that statement?”

Alec smirked and looked back up at the stars. “There’s no need to involve your brother in this conversation.”

“I thought as much.” I chuckled.

“College is going to be the greatest time of your life—the freedom, the parties, the guys lining up around the block wanting to take you out.”

I chuckled humorlessly at that last part. “I doubt that.”

When he didn’t say anything, it took me a moment to gather the courage to look over at him. His securitizing gaze intensified, and he lifted his brow curiously at me.

When I didn’t say anything, he bumped his shoulder with mine again. “What aren’t you saying?”

So much.

“It’s nothing.” I shook my head and moved to stand up, but Alec’s hand shot out, grabbed my arm, and stopped me.

“Dev, you can tell me anything.”

Hearing the sincerity in his voice made me blurt out the truth before I could stop myself. “I’ve never kissed a guy before.”