A small silence fell.

“You did not look at the note,” the countess said.

Her nose still in the flowers, Pippa closed her eyes. “I mentioned once in passing that they were my favorite flowers.” When they had been on their way back to Hartford Hall from the cottage. The conversation had felt light and mostly filled with her chattering, yet it was clear he had keenly listened to her every word. A lump of emotion formed in her throat.

“What does he mean by this,” her mother mused.

I do not know.“The marquess is merely being polite, mama.”


How skeptical the countess sounded? Not wanting to indulge her heart with false hope, Pippa turned to the maid. “Please, can you have them put in water in the public rooms. I think the weather is going to be hotter than I expected; I will fetch my parasol from my bedroom before Harriet arrives to go shopping with me.”

Pippa needed to gather her composure away from the watchful eyes of her mother. Especially to read his note which she had discreetly taken up.

“Harriet is back from Derbyshire?”

“Yes, mama, and Agatha as well. I received her note this morning.”

Her mother made a non-committal sound, still staring at the bouquet of flowers. Pippa hurriedly excused herself and dashed from the drawing room. Once alone in her bedchamber, she teased open the crisp envelope, gently easing the seal open. A seal which showed the arms of the Marquess of Trent, and which resembled the seal ring he wore on one of his elegant fingers. She blushed, thinking about all the delicious things those beautiful fingers had done to her. Were the flowers meant as an apology? She unfolded the slip of paper she found inside its enclosure. Not a formal card, but a few words.

I miss you,


What enigmatic words and her heart leapt and missed a beat reading them. “What are you thinking, William?”

How she wished she knew him well enough to read what his words had not said. Worse, she dreadfully missed him in return. Pippa grabbed her parasol and walked back downstairs where she heard Harriet being greeted by their butler. As her boot had been carefully cut off by William, she had wrapped the damaged boot in brown paper and tucked it in a large reticule. It was her intention to deliver it to her bootmakers, in the hope that they could replace the stitches so her boots could be used again. They had been her favorite boots and it seemed overly extravagant to just order another pair. And perhaps while there, she might pick up a new pair of dancing slippers to match the dress Pippa planned to wear to the dinner and informal dance that evening. She was determined to spend the day being busy and not thinking about a certain marquess at all. Pippa prayed her heart and soul would listen.


Pippa came down to breakfast the following day, to find that a letter had been delivered. It was addressed in William’s now familiar handwriting. When the footman had poured her chocolate and stepped back, she risked opening it before eating her breakfast.

Dearest Pippa,

Her gaze lingered on ‘dearest Pippa’ for far too long. She lowered the letter, noting that her mother discreetly watched her. Her father was occupied with reading the newssheet and her brother had departed the townhouse almost an hour ago. Deciding it would appear more suspicious if she ran to her bedchamber to read the rest of the letter, she determinedly lifted her chin and continued reading.

A balloon ascent is going to take place at eleven thirty this morning from Hyde Park. It has been postponed for several weeks because of the spate of dreadful weather, but I have it on good authority that it will take place today as the weather is fine and the winds have dropped.

I was planning on taking my landau to view the take off and wondered if you would do me the honor of accompanying me. If you can be ready by ten thirty, then I will call to collect you.

Your humble servant,


Pippa felt a shock of thrill, followed by confusion. First the flowers and then an invitation to drive out. She quickly read the letter again, now aware that her father peeked at her from over his newssheet. Pippa suspected her mother had informed her of the marquess’s proposal in the country and that he had sent flowers.

There was no doubt in her mind they had stayed awake late last night plotting her wedding to the marquess.


Deciding to act airy and unconcerned, she glanced at the footman who had handed the letter to her. “Did the messenger wait for an answer?”

“Yes, my lady, he’s waiting in the hall,” the footman said.

“Please inform him I will be ready as requested and make sure he is compensated for his troubles.”

The footman bowed before departing to deliver her message.