“Shh,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple, and holding her tightly against him. “I have you, sweetheart.”

Pippa became aware her body shook, and her hands were fisted in his shirt as she held onto him. He murmured crooning nonsense, rubbing his thumb in circles around her back. William’s masculine warmth surrounded her senses, and somehow she calmed, her body easing from the devastating pleasure. Pippa was intensely aware of William against her and that she was still on his lap, the tension in his body and the hardness that jutted out the front of his trousers pressed into her.Thud, Thud, Thud. His heartbeat echoed from his body to her. “William?”

“Do not speak,” he said gruffly.

It sounded as if he barely held onto his restraint. She shifted in his arms, nudging her face against his throat like a sensuous feline. There was a short silence, broken only by her ragged breathing.

“I am not afraid of this passion between us,” she whispered. “Especially when I might never feel this way again. Despite the pleasure just now, I still feel empty inside, William. How do I assuage this feeling?” The words were out before she could prevent them. “I cannot halt the cravings in my heart for you.”

A rough sound left him, and more tension crept into his veins. “Bloody hell, Pippa!” he hissed, when she kissed the underside of his jaw. He smoothed a stray wisp of a curl from her temple. “I’ve not the willpower to—”

She captured the words with her mouth, pouring all her desire into her kiss. Her fingers tunneled into the silky lushness of his hair, and she held him to her, showing him how much she wanted him and that her heart would bear no regrets. That being with him felt like the beginning of falling deeply in love. William stood with her, bearing her over and down onto the chaise. He removed her jacket and shirt in between kisses until she was naked beneath him. The awe in his golden eyes as he stared at her body brought a flush of pleasure to Pippa. She felt his eyes, like a physical touch, on every dip and curve of her body. He stood to remove his clothes without breaking their stare.

There was an intensity about him that should have scared her, but Pippa loved that he was himself with her, that he was unable to hide his desperate desire. It was quite fair they seemed to burn with the same maddening desperation.

William removed the last of his clothes, and he stilled, allowing her to admire his form. He was…so beautifully put together and sveltely muscled. Her gaze lowered to his manhood and her throat dried. Clearly those stupid erotic books had lied. He was much longer and thicker than the images showed. Her heart tripped, and for a moment, wings of indecision took flight in her stomach. “William, I…”

“We’ll fit,” he sensually purred, coming down over her on the chaise, kissing her mouth with tender lust.

A lustful murmur slipped from her, and she glided her hand around his neck, thrusting her fingers through his hair. William roused her with kisses and touches, his attention so wholly absorbed on arousing her senses that within minutes Pippa was trembling with mindless desire beneath him. His hand glided over her breasts, the lightest of touches, and he followed the path of his hand with his lips. William’s tongue curled around her nipple and Pippa moaned. He licked and sucked her nipples until they throbbed and ached.

“How beautiful you are,” he murmured roughly. “So passionate and responsive.”

The sweet glide of his tongue over her quivering stomach to dip into her navel filled her with carnal heat. William crawled over her, bracing himself on one elbow. He kissed her deeply, slipping his free hand between them to find her sex. He stroked and rubbed her nub until she grew terribly wet between her legs. The heat writhing low in her belly was unbearable. Pippa moaned raggedly into William’s consuming kiss, eagerly pushing her quim against his hand, desperate for something more. He moved his hand to her hip, arching her to him and with a surge of his hips he pushed his thick length in her aching sex. Despite her wetness, the pain was sharp and stole Pippa’s breath. She wrenched her mouth from his, breathing raggedly. He held himself still, kissing her nose and mouth and murmuring sweet nonsense.

William started to move within her, at first with a slow easy thrusting until she was clasping his shoulders and urging her hips upward for more. Once he was assured of her eagerness, he moved with piercing depth and strength. Pippa gasped, arching into the carnal demands of his body. She hugged him to her, clasping his shoulders and wrapping her legs high around his waist.

He rode her with raw passion, each driving stroke an exquisite burst of delight wantonly tossing Pippa toward the bright flames she could sense hovering. There were times it felt like too much, but she held onto William, trusting him with her body.

“William,” she gasped in the curve of his throat when the sensations became too overwhelming.

He arched her sharply, sucking her nipple into his mouth with strong pulls, passionately shoving his cock deeper and harder, wrenching moans and whimpering from Pippa. The pleasure coiled tighter and tighter inside, and when she shattered, she sank her teeth into his shoulder, ecstasy arching her back from the chaise longue. William groaned and with a rough groan of deep satisfaction, he tumbled right along with her.


William stood on the small porch of the cottage, accepting the sting of the rain on his face and the wind cutting into his skin. He had caved in to temptation and loved Pippa with a tempestuous passion that felt unknown to him. He felt like there was no going back after their actions, but what was he to move forward with? William inhaled the bracing cold into his lungs, his will to live his life freely on his terms warring fiercely with his honor.

He had never taken a virgin to his bed before, and Pippa had unquestionably trusted him with that honor. An emotion he couldn’t quite identify twisted through his gut. When he had tenderly cleaned her several minutes ago, the evidence of it had been on the washcloth. Even without that physical proof, he had felt it in her sweet artlessness, in every whispered sigh of want, every wanton cry of delight, the sublime tightness of her quim, and the unguarded passionate way she gave herself over to him.

He had dressed her in another of his shirts, propped her feet upon a cushion and left her in the small parlor reading. He had cleaned up the mess they’d made, the broken plates and scattered chess pieces. And then he had wandered outside, simply standing in the once again unleased storm. Lightning forked against the sky and thunder rumbled with ominous intent.

Knowing she might be scared, he turned around and opened the door. William’s heart lurched. She was standing right there, tightly wrapped in a blanket, appearing sweetly vulnerable. Her face flushed a delicate rosy hue, and her lavender eyes searched his face, a question he did not understand in her gaze. A raw sensation moved inside his chest before it muted.

“How long have you been standing there?”

“A few minutes,” she said with a shy smile, tucking a few wisps of hair behind her ears. “Daring myself to open the door and not be afraid of the storm.”

Another thunder roared and she jerked, her fingers tightening on the edges of the blanket.

“Let us go inside,” William murmured, wanting to remove that look of fear from her eyes.

She looked beyond him, worrying her bottom lip. Pippa seemed to debate with herself, took a steady breath and walked right into his arms. William did not question her decision, merely held her to his chest and turned with her to face the powerful beauty of the storm. She shifted in the warmth of his arms so that her back was flush to his chest. William wrapped his arms around her middle, resting his chin gently on the crown of her head. Contentment flowed through his veins, and he inhaled her feminine scent deep into his lungs.

Pippa bravely looked at the sky, and with each rumble of thunder she jerked and squeezed the arm he had hugged around her waist a little bit tighter, but she did not ask to return inside. After a few minutes of admiring the rain and the blackened sky, she murmured, “Nature is so very beautiful but also terrifying.”

William opened his hand over the soft curve of her belly, realizing that his child might even be forming at this minute. He had never been reckless with a lover before, but he had lost his damn head the instant Pippa had kissed him. It was an alchemy he might never understand. He wondered if she realized that their burn of passion just now could have got her with child.
