Oh!“Thank you for telling me,” she said with a light laugh, even as the ache inside her chest intensified. Whatever she felt for the marquess would be no more. The distance in his eyes and his assurance they were not for each other was not a wall she wanted to scale. Her pride and heart could take no more wounding.


Dearest Pippa,

I am sending you a special invitation to my country home in Hertfordshire for the next couple of weeks. I know the season is in full swing, and I understand if you cannot join us here in the country. I have sent this invitation to several of our sister friends at 48 Berkeley Square. I mean to host a garden party with only ladies from our club attending. I have no choice as I am now eight months with child, and my darling beast of a husband simply refuses to have me in town any longer. We ladies shall have a grand time playing charades in the parlor, sneaking a few cheroots from my duke and some of his premium whisky. We shall play cricket and lawn games and perhaps even hunt and swim in the lake.

If you are interested in attending, please present the invitation card to your mother. I look forward to seeing you, my dear, should you accept this invitation.

Your friend,

Theodosia, the Duchess of Hartford.

Almost a week after receiving the duchess’s invitation to her country home in Hertfordshire, Pippa descended from her family carriage, squealing to see that Agatha and Harriet had also traveled down. They rushed to greet each other by hugging.

“I am so happy you ladies are here. Mama almost did not agree for me to attend. She was quite vexed that I might miss most of the events of the season and my chance to find a suitor,” Pippa said, laughing, looping her hands with her friends.

“Mama was thrilled a duchess as illustrious as Theo invited me to her country estate,” Agatha said with a grin. “One day, I shall tell mama about her secret club and see what she thinks of the duchess then.”

Harriet had slowed her steps, peering up at the estate with admiration. “The duke and duchess’s home is rather impressive and so very beautiful. Imagine being the mistress of such a home!”

Theo had mentioned the estate boasted well over seventy rooms, and it was a rather impressive country house built above a magnificent lake. Hartford Hall had been built in 1760, although there had been a grand house on the site since the 1200s. The house consisted of five main floors with additional attics, although it was solidly constructed on a small hill from a warm apricot-colored stone and designed in an approximate cube, not sprawling out over separate wings as many country houses were.

It did mean there were many staircases but the compact design of the hall, meant that it was easier to heat and had less draughts than many other country homes. It was approached by a long drive through exquisite gardens, allowing a view of the famous lake. The landscaped grounds were exquisitely maintained and stretched over nearly a thousand acres including the surrounding woodland. And the nearby lake glistened under the sunlight, giving the estate some wonderful panoramas of the countryside around the mansion.

Agatha tipped her face to the sun, a radiant smile blooming on her mouth. “And the lawns are splendid. This was such a capital idea! A house party for only us ladies from Berkeley Square. It promises to be such fun!”

They made a tour of the estate, greeting several other ladies with whom they had grown close since being members of their secret ladies’ club. Pippa was not at all exhausted when she was shown to her room, and she quickly changed into a dark blue riding jacket and buff boy’s breeches. She giggled upon seeing herself in the cheval mirror. That was the pure beauty of being at Theo’s home for the next few days. They were free to be their true selves without the watchful eyes of society or their parents upon them.

Pippa hurried down the stairs, only to skid to a halt when she spied their fearless leader clasped in a tender embrace with her duke. A surge of longing rushed through Pippa, and she swallowed tightly. The duke kissed Theo on her forehead, and she smiled at him before waving him away. She turned, resting a hand on her high belly when she saw Pippa. She also noted that the duchess was bare of shoes and stockings.

“You are going riding,” Theo said with a grin.

“Yes. I urged Agatha and Harriet to join me, but they discovered your glorious library.”

They shared a laugh, and Pippa sobered when thunder cracked through the air. “Oh, no.”

“It might rain soon. However, we daring ladies have ridden in the rain before.”

That was all the permission Pippa needed. With happiness bubbling inside her veins, she rushed down the stairs and toward the stables. Soon she was mounted on a large stallion and seated astride. In the distance, she saw Lady Victoria and Miss Sofie heading out on the lake in a rowboat. A quick glance at the sky showed it to be only mildly overcast. The rain might be hours out. Taking a deep breath into her lungs, Pippa cantered away from the main estate and turned her horse to the wide open lawns and the surrounding woodland. She leaned over her mount and urged him into a flat-out run, the thrill of being so free surging through her body like lightning.

The rider was awe-inspiring.William slowed his horse and stared, rather impressed with the lad’s seating and the skills displayed in his command of the stallion. There were no houses for miles, only wide-open land, which all belonged to the Duke of Hartford, a rather impressive gentleman, and an acquaintance of William’s. He surmised the rider might have come from the duke’s stable and was now far from the main house.

The rider drew in the reins, and when the horse slowed to a trot, the lad triumphantly tossed his hands into the air. It was enough to pull a smile to William’s mouth. He’d been in a black mood for the last few days, ever since Pippa ventured to his townhouse, and he turned her away. His gut told him he had done the right thing, but something far more elusive and perhaps a bit whimsical told him he’d made a mistake.

William had traveled down to his late grandfather’s cottage, hoping an extended visit would lighten his spirits and give him answers to the question plaguing him.

Had he made a mistake with Lady Pippa?

The lad tore the hat off his head, and tresses of raven-black hair tumbled around his shoulders and down his back. An unmistakable thrill of recognition went through William’s chest. Immediately William knew it was Pippa. Simply because every sense within his body seemed as if they had surged to life.

What the hell was this?

She leaned over her horse again and urged the animal into a magnificent gallop. A large drop of rain landed on William’s cheek, and he lifted his face to the sky. Hell. Rain was imminent, and the damn woman was miles away from the duke’s estate. Or wherever she came from. It could only be the duke’s estate. There were no other homes around for miles, and the direction she rode into was only more woodlands and lush forestry.

Trusting Lady Pippa knew what she was about, he continued riding toward his section of the woodlands, the property that belonged to his family. A fork of lightning startled his horse, and then a harsh clap of thunder urged him to bolt.

“Whoa, Phoenix,” he murmured, effortlessly commanding his stallion.